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Monday, May 11, 2015

The Devotional - 45

The Devotional

There was a day when setting in the wardroom among a panel of Naval Officers I was being observed for an officer program. If I passed the questioning of these men I would have qualified for Officer Candidate School. One of the questions that broke the camel’s back was, “does your wife know that she will be required to host or has she the ability to host evenings when the officers and wives of your outfit or ship have get to gathers in your home”? Now I may not have the exact wording used by those men, the question was directed at her being hospitable in a social setting. I thought to myself; “whose under the microscope here?” so in my mind I made a quick contract with myself, that I would not place my wife in a position where she would be uncomfortable because of decisions about my Navy Career. I said to the men “Thank you for the opportunity to present my desire for a career change for your review, I withdraw my original request for the Officer Candidate School and will remain Enlisted” and with permission of the OIC I walked out.

Challenge: Job 27-31
Oaths, contracts and covenants are made by mankind with mankind all the day long, some of these are on the spot while others begin early in life. Not all oaths or covenants are visible or witnessed by others yet in either case we seek diligently to do our part. I wonder though when it comes to self-governed covenants? Notice what Job says in verse one of Chapter 31. I made a covenant with my eyes, not to look lustfully at a girl. Wow Job! What wisdom and discipline Job demonstrates and you know as I do that this covenant is no small thing, is it men?  

Standing alone this covenant means strong integrity in the face of one’s heart or the control of one’s mind. The eyes will tell both your heart and mind that there is opportunity. Yet and you know this as I do, the mind will comfort the heart and the heart will explain to the eyes that it is okay to look, the girl is not so pretty so go ahead, check her out. Reasoning in the mind is the fleshly opportunity to break one’s oath. If a man breaks his own covenant it is sin for him and God brings His own discipline concerning sin. Job says that God sees our every move and even counts our steps.

Think with me just a moment; if you know that Ms. Beauty lives one block over from your pathway home from work and you make that slight detour to catch a glimpse, does not God know your steps. He has the steps counted before you start on your journey. And what about the neighborhood where you and other men live, have they not seen the beauty of your wife. Maybe they have done the very same crooked walk as you. For the young and the old I say, do not open the eye-gate for the devil to walk in and destroy your home. For it is a shame to stand in judgment before God concerning this sin.

The 31st Chapter of Job gives personal insight to everyone who reads and STUDIES this book. Job’s three friends contending with Job’s spiritual integrity and discipline. In this I find myself asking this question, “in the events of Job’s life can I find such a parallel in my own walk with the LORD?” If I say yes; I must be a man of integrity, like that of Job. If I answer no, than I am very much like Job’s three friends, full of human good and religion. Most of us are no doubt, unwilling to answer the question.

Job’s friends after this discourse of Job will not speak to him anymore, but they have not changed their thoughts regarding him or their theology. They seem to regard Job as a self-righteous person; note Job 32:1, at least this is how I perceive that verse. This is where we will meet Elihu, he has been silent and the book does not reveal when he showed up but he did hear all that has transpired to this point. Note Job 32:12, yet he too is not on Job’s side in the matter of Job’s integrity. Even Job himself is confused as to why all of this is happening to him, we know because the LORD allowed us to see Job chapter 1 and 2. What if those chapters were missing, where would our thoughts be?

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