The Devotional
I do suppose that if it were not for God’s love and grace;
all of mankind would have ceased long, long ago. If a man were God; that is
someone like you or me, human life would be null and void. If you or I were God
we would destroy man and simply watch Creation. All of the men in Job’s life at
the time of His suffering talk of the power and majesty of creation. The only
comments of condemnation are directed at Job and people like Job who has in
their thinking been a deceiver, a thug and a wretch of a man his whole life.
Even his wife must have concluded that she married someone whom she really didn’t
know as she says, taunting Job. “Curse God and die”! We can understand her
pain, can we not? Like Job she has lost everything, it is not as if she is a
bystander in Job’s suffering, maybe she would like to be dead herself with all
this recent loss. In the minds of all of the people involved here is, “Job is
suffering for wrong doing, thus being wicked, death is the reward”. But is this
true? The answer of course is NO this is not true – 1 Peter 5:5-11 or 2 Peter
Job 38
Out of Creation,
God responds to Job. Job has requested, even demanded an audience with God. Surely
you and I have done the same in times past and surely there are those around us
who have echoed Job’s friends. Like Elihu, we hear them say things like, “Bear
with me a little longer friend that there is more to be said on God’s behalf. I
get my knowledge from afar.” Thinking to myself every time I read that passage “Really
Elihu; how’s that working out for you”? “Wait a minute please don’t tell me”!
While there are
truths expressed by Elihu, his discourse is mixed with a “blizzard” of pride.
It seems that with his discourse God has had enough of man’s arrogant pride and
out of a “whirlwind” the LORD breaks into Elihu’s conversation and all talked
by everyone except God ceases. God says; speaking only to Job, “Who is this that darkens counsel with
words without knowledge”! In control (God is always in control) He says to
Job, “Brace yourself like a man (integrity Job) I will question you and you
will answer me.
I sense an
immediate “Fear of the LORD” came over Job, we could say that this fear was
already there, but I believe that God sort of shored up some of the frail edges
of uncertainty. God provides His Majesty to Job with a series of Questions that
really no one can answer. Now Job if you remember has a list of questions
himself, but he never gets an opportunity to ask God, he must be quiet and
listen. A parallel passage is Proverbs 8:1-36.
Also this reminds
me of the number of times I have said, “God has answered my prayer, but not in
the way I asked Him too”! Thank God since His way are always from the platform
of His Character and not from the frail mind of one who is, such a one as Job
or you or I. I do not want to sound like Job’s friends so I must be careful.
God continues to question Job with questions he cannot answer. Job 38:32 – have
you Job been inside the storehouses of snow or seen where I keep the hail
stones. Have you determined how all of this produces one twig of grass? Job
does rain have a father?
From whose womb
does ice come? Can you understand the planets courses, can you control the
seasons of time with the universe? Does creation report to you? Can you count
the clouds, Job? Job, all of creation cries out and is satisfied. Do you have a
part in satisfying the lioness, her cubs or even the ravens whose young cry out
to Me for lack of food? We will stop here this morning, but these thoughts are
more that worthy to think about all day long. God is in control, not man. His
ways are not our ways, neither are His thoughts, our thoughts. Isaiah has
something to say about this in Isaiah 55:1-13 as in the end we will have peace
with God at last, that is if we are His child.
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