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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Devotional - 55

The Devotional

In the eye of one’s mind we can imagine many false thoughts. Once as a young sailor standing watch for other ships in the night I notice the phosphorescent light of the sea water making two streaks that were heading right at our ship. My first thought a sea monster, my second thought two torpedoes; my first response over the headset was “torpedoes in the water, starboard side amidships (the middle right side of the ship). Well that woke everyone up since the Officer of the Deck sounded the collision alarm. Men came from everywhere on board – some with binoculars, some with lighting and some in pajamas, only to see two dolphins playing “go fish!” on the side of the ship. While the officers of the ship were glad that I reported torpedoes in the water (good on the spot training), the rest of the crew thought I might make a good phosphorescent splash, but lo and behold – I’m still here.

Challenge: Job 40
The LORD God and Creator of the universe and all that it contains describes one of His creatures on the earth that still exists as the most fearsome of all. Part crocodile, part dragon, part serpent and part mystery, this animal has been labeled a sailor’s tall tale or a seagoing folklore since the beginning of time. In Psalm 104:26 the writer points out that the leviathan which is formed (created by God) frolics in the oceans as the ships go to and fro. The whale can be frightening to the sight, yet it is mostly at play when it is visible and like all the other animals these too look to God for their food. Still Isaiah calls the leviathan a coiled serpent of the sea in Isaiah 27:1 and the enemy of Israel. He goes on to say that the LORD will punish the sea monster (the nations) with His powerful sword.

So we imagine in our minds eye the Creation of God being beautiful or fearful and the LORD God who created all things (all things belong to God) with a purpose uses His Creation and provides health and welfare for His kingdom, He also uses creation as a metaphor to give insight to His Plan and Purpose. The animal life has little or no care that they are capable of placing fear in the heart of mankind while it plays and frolics in the blessings of the LORD. Be we certainly need to be aware that the devil walks about like a ROARING lion, looking for the opportunity to devour YOU. Satan thought that he had Job in the grip of suffering and death. He also thought that Job would eventually curse God to His face.

I find it interesting and important that the LORD revealed to Job His grace and love in all of creation and that all of creation was dependent and thankful. All was created by God and for God, yet the devil and mankind who know God seek to be the leviathan of the deep. God says to Job. He (the leviathan) makes the deep churn like boiling water. Behind him he leaves a glistening wake (phosphorous sparkles) like one would think that the deep had white hair. Now can we say that God reveals to Job the cause of his suffering, in describing the leviathan God says something about the leviathan that seems a bit strange for an animal? Job 41:34 – He beholds every high thing; he is kin over all the children of pride. NKJV. That serpent of old!

As we begin the final chapter of Job, note Job’s response to God. First let verses 1 and 2 fill your mind, now note the words of Job. “You asked, Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?” “Surely” Job continues “I spoke of things I did not understand, things to wonderful for me to know”. This statement of Job is a statement that each of us should seek to KNOW. Yes there may be suffering and while we all desire to reject the thought! It is not until we suffer through the wake of phosphorous light, (the counterfeit light of the unknown) that the LORD God in His design and plan can open our eyes and we find ourselves just as Job saying “Therefore LORD, I despise my ways of life before you and I repent! John 3:16.

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