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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Devotional - Sour grapes and teeth on edge?

The Devotional
Comment: Are you and I afraid these days of speaking out against conversation that seeks to destroy the Laws, Ordinances, Testimonies, Precepts, Statutes and Word of the Living God. Could it be that our National heritage and Freedoms are eroding because we do not oppose the erosion of our Constitution, our Laws, and our Foundational Statutes of prosperity and of living joyfully in peace as well? Idolatry, immorality and corruption parade in our cities and these atrocities comfortably mingle with the rich and the poor. More and more we embrace SIN, accepting it as a norm in families from the very first birth of a child to the very last death of the aged. God on the other hand does not look favorably on national sin and personal sin. 

Devotional: Nationally and personally today we are very much like Israel during the days of the Prophet Ezekiel. His prophesies of Israel and Judah (northern and southern Israel) were written between the fall of Israel in 726BC and the fall of Judah in 586BC. While Israel still exist today, it has not been restored to its original intended glory. But do not lose heart “God will restore His Chosen”. 

Sadly this will not be the case for our nation in the future. If the United States of America has seen it finest hour, then we are truly on our way by funeral procession to the graveyard of nations and dynasties of the past. However if this is not true of our national heritage than we need to seriously look to the LORD God our Creator, to His Laws and protect our Laws through the words “Thus says the LORD!”

We need to heed the Word of God as spoken through the prophet Ezekiel. God said for Ezekiel to proclaim this message – “What do you mean when you use this proverb concerning the LAND of Israel, saying: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge’? As I live says the LORD, you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel.” Ezekiel 18:1-3, this proverb was also quoted by Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:39. Ezekiel prophesied in Babylon while Jeremiah did the same in Jerusalem, yet the two never speaks of the other in their books.

The proverb reveals the condition of the nation before and after it fell. (The first half) The fathers of this great nation fell to SIN, sins of idolatry, immorality and corruption because they turned their back on the Laws, Ordinances, Testimonies, Precepts, Statutes and Word of the Living God. (The second half) The children who remained were left to reap the benefits of living without national peace and freedom. Ezekiel goes on to say in this chapter that God takes no pleasure in the soul that sins. 

We need to look to God and turn from sin and God will take pleasure in us once again, but if we do not nationally turn away from sin, the nation will DIE because of the iniquity that runs through our streets like a flash flood daily.

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