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Monday, April 4, 2011

A Look at the Book #429

A Look at the Book #429

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #428

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Since January 20t, 2011 – I lost 52 “T’s” from the Devotionals and only one person noticed. Thanks for finding them Joe! See if you can find where it was left out and if you wish, let me know? This is why I love the One who fulfills the Law. Matthew 5:17-20, the missing “jot” is underlined for today only.


I gathered myself to my office and prayed, asking God for help. I knew that the XO was mad, I had also seen his temper in action before. I was a little weak in the knees but there I was, standing outside the Wardroom door. I knocked and immediately the door opened, it was the XO. He grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me into the room. Several officers and chiefs were present. His face was full of rage. Had I had taken too long to come to the Wardroom? He said; “Chief, I ought to punch you square in the face for using my training time to preach about your Jesus.” My knees that were weak and my composure strengthened. In a very serious tone I heard myself say, “Sir, if it will make you feel better; please, take this opportunity to punch me in the face”. He let go of me and stepped back, gathering his composure he said. “Chief, this is what I want you to do, I want you to go to each person who was at that training session and apologize for using my time to preach a sermon, now get out!” I went out the door of the Wardroom rejoicing since the Holy Spirit allowed me to do two things that day: One to suffer for my Savior, and two; to follow up on my training message to each person who was present. Here is another point. I my mind I did not preach that day; I simply read from SOARM the regulation for Sunday Services on board the ship, then I quoted; 1 Timothy 2:1-6 but to the XO those verses were preaching. More tomorrow!

The Epistle of James

James 1:12 – Temptation is not sin and it seems that so many of us when faced with a temptation of any kind assume the worst. I think this is why the dessert at meal time is hidden out of view, for if it were in view, I might be tempted to eat the dessert first and ruin my health over the long haul. Every moment of life carries the potential of making the wrong choice and sinning against God. We do not have to learn how to sin, but we do have to learn how to avoid sin when temptation is present. Endurance is evidence of faith at work and a working faith is always rewarded by God.

James 1:13 – As believers in Christ, it is easy to blame God for our failure in temptation. To do so is a misapplication of scripture since God is the only One who can deliver us from temptation to victory. Matthew 6:13. The holiness of God prevents God from being tempted with evil, so in order for you and me to avoid the temptation of evil we must be willing to run to the only One capable of rescuing us. Do not be double minded, be endurance minded. Notice what Azariah said to Asa in 2 Chronicles 15:1-2.

James 1:14 – Each of us are tempted to sin against God. This is not a once a day event, it is a moment by moment event in everything we do. Temptation is the work of the carnal minded (fleshly); endurance is the work of the spiritually minded. We as believers in Christ are always in the battle of these two natures in us. One is the natural condition of our human carnal minds when temptation gives way to sin; the other is the supernatural condition of our spiritual endurance to draw near to God and His Holiness. Do not be drawn away from Him since each time you do, it is SIN.

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