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Monday, April 25, 2011

A Look at the Book #443

A Look at the Book #443

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #443

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The body language of the sinning person is a communication of walking, sitting or standing in a conversation of scorn. The chatter within a room full of scorners cannot be understood, but are like chaff in the wind. Psalm 1:1; 1:4.


My first ship in the Navy was like a huge bowl in the water that barely had enough power to get out of its own way. Eleven point six knots was the top speed. For you land acquainted folks (lubbers) that is eighteen point five miles per hour. So when the ship would be off duty and heading for home it was always nice to have a patrol pattern that was near to Newport, RI. Most of the patrols were in the North Atlantic, but some were in the South. Those southern trips were nice and warm but usually a thousand or more miles from home and at full speed which could not be maintained all the time, it would take at least ten days of travel to get home. As sailors we would complain; “we will never get home at this speed, let us throw stuff overboard and make the ship lighter. Of course a sailor would have no problem adding a little spice to his comments. If we are to know wisdom, the wisdom that comes from God, then it would be very important to ask God to teach us how to number our days (Psalm 90:12) rather than to burn the days up with a tongue of scorn. The thief of life stands at the door and with little warning he will rob you of your rewarding countenance toward God; Genesis 4:1-15. And there is a coming of the Day of the LORD, that some say it will never come. These are complainers and slackers of faith and the apostle Peter explains that these folks have willfully forgot that the promises of God are “YES” and “SO BE IT” (yea and amen). 2 Peter 3:1-13.

James 2

James 2:19 – Religion, or the expression biblical faith is the theme of this epistle. The outward expression of faith in God is considered by most of the world to be proof of faith. James is putting it bluntly here in this verse. It is useless to say that you believe that God is One God, even the devils believe this and they tremble.

James 2:20-21 – He says that this faith is foolishly empty, a reference to the power of this sort of faith. The faith that God is looking for in us is the same faith found in Abraham and Jesus Christ. A sacrificial faith, the faith that allows God the Father to present His Son to us as the LAMB and a father like Abraham who was willing to present his son Isaac to God as a sacrifice. “My son, God will provide for Himself a sacrifice… Genesis 22:8.

James 2:23 – Faith in God goes beyond the personal effort of one to make themselves pleasing to God. Faith is a two way communication. First, in that God proves Himself to be faithful through His work of creation; Psalm 19:1-6; the assurance of His Word; Psalm 19:7-11; and by His total forgiveness of our lack of faith; Psalm 19:12. Our work of faith then; which is very small but sufficient if found in Psalm 19:13-14. In other words, we must be willing to see that God is faithful, before we can produce works of faith pleasing to God.

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