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Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Look at the Book #437

A Look at the Book #437

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #437

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Want to be better at what you do today than you were yesterday? Someone might say no! But to those of you who seek understanding; not I but the LORD says to treasure His Words in your heart and apply your ear to His wisdom. Proverbs 2:1 and Proverbs 3:1. You do like length of days, do you not? Proverbs 3:2


Warren Wiersbe writes in his book; “The Strategy of Satan” a simple but profound outline for understanding the work of the deceiver, better known to us as Satan. Mr. Wiersbe uses the well known passages of the fall of mankind in Genesis 3:1-24 as the foundational base of this outline. ONE: Satan has one target – your mind. TWO: Satan has only one weapon – the sword of lies. THREE: Satan has only one purpose – to make you ignorant of God’s Will and Purpose. These three attacks may not seem to us as a very important strategy, but one look around in your mind will tell you more about the devil’s success then looking at your neighbor! Jesus puts it this way in Matthew 7:1-6. So then the strategy of Satan is threefold and if you go to a church that teaches from the Word of God (The Holy Bible) you have heard of this threefold strategy from passages like this one found in 1 John 2:15-17. This threefold offensive attack of Satan is defeated since the beginning of time; even before the fall of Eve, so you might want to say; “so what is the problem”? The world (with you in it) is made ignorant of God’s Will and it would seem that Satan’s strategy is successful. Note the will and plan of God in these passages: Colossians 1:9-18 and Hebrews 10:5-10. Our defense against the strategy of Satan is to believe the Inspired Word of the Living God. Satan’s sword of lies is inferior to the Sword of the Spirit of God and to be victorious over the wiles of the devil you must be willing to use God’s Sword and wear the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-20 or Romans 13:11-14. Apply your heart to the Word of God and live in victory over the devil’s strategy.

The Epistle of James

James 2:3 – When is the last time a new person walked into church and you did not size them up? Of course if you did not notice them there would be no “size up” but if you are honest with yourself you would need to agree with James here in these passages regarding partiality. You may literally ask the person to sit or stand in some unique spot in the church and think you are doing them a favor. I know just as you do that experience in congregational seating has positional preference. Even to the point of saying to the new person or persons; could you scoot over a couple of seats, brother soandso always sit here and then our politeness gets in the way because we fail to say – Thank you when they move.

James 2:4 – James goes on to say that any form of partiality is evil, so how is this true since it would seem in our way of thinking that we are only seeking to help and not hinder. In the processes of your mind while forming a request for the people to take up seating elsewhere is a judging factor. “The kid’s faces are dirty; or squeaky clean. The husband looks as though he would rather be fishing, and he needs to comb his hair, etc; etc! Matthew 7:1-6 quickly comes into play. It is another lie of Satan that you willing believe in order to get your way.

James 2:5 – It is God who chooses His Saints and not we ourselves, look around in the attic of your mind. Maybe there is a picture or two of you when you were unsaved and living the life of a dirty faced brat, or a squeaky clean nerd. Maybe you enjoyed combing your hair with an air compressor. Or maybe your servant made your day easy by placing everything at your fingertips. None of this matters, it is all vanity. The only truth is to be rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom of God, which God promises to those who love Him. Do you love God? Then do not dishonor the poor man who will be offended, or the rich one who will profit from your ignorance. James 2:6

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