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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Look at the Book #431

A Look at the Book #431

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #431

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

It is said that people with doctorate degrees are practicing their profession. Don’t make light of this thought since good practice in this context; means to build good character and good discipline. In our homes we need to be good masters of integrity! Proverbs 22:6


One of the best career changes while serving in the Navy was accepting orders to my first submarine. Also this change would never have happened if God did not step into my life and take charge of it. The change from surface ships to submarines is very different and the Navy is unique that way, for example; a West coast sailor operates differently than the East coast sailor, the Airman in the Navy operates in different ways from the Submarine sailor and the Surface sailor. Each branch of this one Navy has unique operating procedures that separate one from the other, even the jargon of these branches differ, making communication within the Navy, confusing. So, just what is the point? All wear the same uniform, all enlist with the same opportunities and all practice the Uniform Code of Military Justice, so just what is the point? People on this earth are similar in many ways; all have commonality belonging to one nation, but within the nation these people differ in performance. All practice some form of national law common to their nation. All wear the clothing of their culture and all speak the language of their culture, but some dialects make for confusing conversations. The bottom line: In this pile of words is a change that really makes the difference that all should come to know. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. “When God steps into your life”.

The Epistle of James

James 1:17 – Have you ever planned for a birthday party or some event that would give good things to another person? Of course you have. Bridal showers, baby showers, anniversaries and other events that promise to encourage the heart of another. God is planning such an event. It is called the marriage supper of the LAMB. Revelation 19:1-7. Before this event happens thought God in His grace gives to His children gifts that lead the way. What are these gifts? Longsuffering, mercy, grace, peace and everlasting life, these gifts are perfect and these gifts are from above. These gifts light the path as He is not willing that any should perish. Psalm 119:105

James 1:18 – The foundation of Truth does not stand on this disciple of God. This is what James is saying here, the foundation of Truth stands on the Will of God alone by the Word of Truth alone. The proof that this is God’s will and not man’s is these men who stand on this foundation are still standing, still witnessing and are still pillars of Truth from the beginning, “first fruits” of truth that carry the gospel message down through the centuries. Who are they? They are; James, John, Paul, Luther, Chafer, Graham and others too numerous to mention. But these men are not the truth. They all spoke of the Truth, who is Jesus Christ the Son of the LIVING God. John 14:1-6.

Faith without works is dead, James in his epistle is not talking about helping little old ladies find an open seat to sit in on Sunday mornings at church (although this is needed). James is talking about living faith. Faith that is produced by endurance and shaped by the promise that God does not lie. Titus 1:2.

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