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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Look at the Book #435

A Look at the Book #435

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #435

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Not all; but many professional and educated men and women in the medical and legal field make crime a way of life. They condemn the unborn to death and enact laws that prevent the elderly their final years of life. These same people will throw you in jail if you beat your dog. Is this a problem? Ecclesiastes 10:1-2


Once the local ambulance was called to the scene of a party where two young girls had wandered into the street and one was sitting in the street while the other was laying down with her face resting on the pavement. Both were acting as though they were under the influence of some substance; but as an EMT you cannot be sure unless they tell you or someone else affirms it. I asked the one girl who was lying on the pavement to sit up and she told me that she did not want too because the pavement on her cheek was nice and warm and that she was cold. We got blankets for her and she was happy to have them and sat up. I asked her if she had been drinking and she told me that she had, that her and her friend were invited to a party and that both were being given drinks by the host. The girls were under age, they below eighteen years of age. Legally we could not take them to the hospital unless we had parental consent. So you guessed it, we obtained their parents telephone numbers with the help of the State Police who also arrested the host of the party who was a middle-aged man. Why do I tell you this since you may already be cognizant of this kind of activity? I tell you because it is not a condition of disease, or some other epidemic of life. It is a spiritual condition of a nation that falls from faith in God. It is the socialistic system of a nation whose god is their idols that enforce evil over good, instead of good over evil. Yet this system would be the first to say that it has religion and I would say, yes I do not deny this but this religion is described in. Psalm 115:1-8

The Epistle of James

This would not make headlines in Ripley’s believe it or not, but I do not look at this section of the devotional until I finish the two top sections, but lately it seems that God the Holy Spirit pulls the three sections together to get His point across. This is so amazing to me that I sometimes get all emotional inside. There is nothing like the joy of the LORD which makes headlines in the epistle of 1 Peter 1:8

James 1:25 – The psalmist David, in Psalm 19:7 says that the Law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul. This should speak volumes to each of us; it is the word of the Living God who loves us, who writes to us words of Life. A life that refreshes the soul by providing liberty and freedom from the bondages from sin. Full and purposeful words; like Jesus died for sin, all sin. And He rose again from death to life, not some life but all life; to as many who will receive Him. The invitation is open, not closed as some might think. Hebrews 9:27-28

James 1:26-27 – There is a useless religion that most of the world practices, it is a self-condemning religion full of ritualistic lies that murder the orphan before breaching the womb and denies the right of passage of the widowed. But there is the pure of heart, the religion that is washed in the Blood of the LAMB and baptized in suffering of Christ. This religion in the eyes of God who approves the SON is pure and undefiled. This religion reaches out to the orphan and widow rescues them from the counterfeit and condemned religions and systems of the world.

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