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Monday, April 18, 2011

A Look at the Book #439

A Look at the Book #439

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #439

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Our world is full of harshness, the result is bad news. Far too many of us blame God or the government. This is a serious offense of the one standing across from you in the mirror; a crime punishable by DEATH! The government is simply a tool of; we the people. However; with God we need to own up and be men! Isaiah 46:8-10


This year marks roughly one thousand nine hundred eight four years since Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. Today, if you walk through a city you will find on almost every corner a church or a place of worship. Also, if you drive through the country side you will see church steeples or other evidence of worship centers. This is not isolated to just these United States of America, but in most parts of the civilized world you will find evidence of some form of worship or religion. The apostle Paul was keenly aware of this in his travels and he would look for this evidence in order to start up a conversation. In Acts 17:16-34 while traveling through Athens he noticed a local area called Mars Hill and saw various objects of worship. Even there was an altar with the words; “To The Unknown God”. Here is the point! If you do not know God, you cannot talk to Him, know Him or feel His presence. To you He is; The Unknown God. And being surrounded by all the objects of worship on most every street corner, how would one know which one is true? NONE of those buildings or objects contains the presence of God. However, God can be on the outside knocking to come in; Revelation 3:20. If you do what to know God, then do this – Believe that God who made the world and everything in it… gives assurance of His love for you by raising the dead. If you read the Acts account referenced above you will see that when these folks heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, some said we will hear you again and some joined the apostle in belief. Now it is your turn, you may mock, you may listen again, or you may be wise and join us in believing.

The Epistle of James

James 2:10 – With less that a week to live we find Jesus giving counsel to a young man who says to Him. I have done all that the commandments of God from my youth. What do I still lack? Also in the Psalm of David, David says; “who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. It really matters not if you are rich are poor in this world, what matters is the last two words of Matthew 19:21. “Follow Me!” it is not about me or my possessions. It is about Christ and His Resurrection.

James 2:11 – Today we do not need to look around the neighborhood for adultery and murder. There is evidence in almost every household that this activity goes on. Families are torn apart by the conduct of parents, children and other relatives. We are transgressors of the Law, remember in James 1:8, James calls the Law “royalty”. Could it be that if you transgress this law you are tossing reward out the window and replacing that reward with the harsh poverty of a worldly life?

James 2:12 – So you who are saved, you who are standing on the promises of God; how do you judge the law breaker? Do you condemn the household of the unjust and wish for them to burn in hell, or do you point them to the Noble One. James 1:7. It is impossible for anyone to completely obey the commandments of God, but there is Jesus who has in His obedience fulfilled the law and each one of us need to personally Follow Him. Show mercy to those who are in need of mercy, since mercy triumphs over judgment. James 2:13.

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