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Monday, April 11, 2011

A Look at the Book #434

A Look at the Book #434

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #434

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

I wonder if you might share with me the joy of knowing that God is TRUE. Even in the simplest of things; men think that baldness is beautiful… have you noticed? But God says it is a sign of the times. Not good times but bad. Isaiah 3:24; even the whole chapter as Isaiah says that it is oppressive; the luxury of the Condemned.


Have you been tempted to sin lately? I know that some who read this are not tempted to sin because these have not been justified (made alive in Christ), they are dead in sin; they are relatives of this death; Ephesians 2:1-2. But for those of us who are justified (made alive in Christ), we are being sanctified; we are being made relatives of Christ; and because of this process, temptation to sin becomes a real issue. One command of several surfaces in my mind and is found in Romans 13:14. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Yesterday, one of the brothers filled in for our pastor who in Thailand for a couple of weeks of ministry. Truth is TRUTH and in a teaching moment God the Holy Spirit will open to you the joy of scripture if you have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The brother’s message was about the love of God; it was also about our love for God and our love for the people of God. Don’t miss this teaching moment! Jesus says, in John 13:31-35; “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” When Jesus says, “A new commandment I give you” He did not change the commandment, He simply added; “as I have loved you” to it. If we do not love one another as Christ loves us, then we have not put on the LORD (The Christ like appearance of sanctification) a spiritual growth condition that separates religion (legalism and liberalism) from relationship (children of God). 1 John 2:28 through 1 John 3:1-3

The Epistle of James

James 1:22 – Now doesn’t this verse fit so well with the Sunday message of my brother in Christ. Oh how we need to have brothers and sisters in the LORD who are doers of the Word. If you are going to church and been just a little observant you have no doubt noticed a physical condition that affects many people. I call it the “nod to God reflex”. Whenever the pastor says something that sounds good these folks simply nod to God their agreement but it is quickly forgotten, even before the next nod occurs. Sort of reminds me of acid reflux, maybe a shot of Pepto-Bismo would help?

James 1:23 – I would like to think that James is injecting a little humor here too. Why do we come to church in the first place? Do we not come for the purpose of putting off the old-man and putting on the new? 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, or Ephesians 4:22-24. If we are not going to church to learn to put on Jesus Christ, then why bother to go? If you go and cannot remember why you go; why cause yourself the heartburn of trying to remember what you ought to look like in His presence or the presence of your neighbor. In other words… STOP being phony!

James 1:24 – As quickly as the mirror dismisses the object when it moves out of view is as quickly the heart of the forgetful hearer removes truth. If you are interested in looking like Christ to your neighbor, just remember that if your neighbor already knows what you look like. He or she is not looking for a “new you” but they are looking for a reason to believe in Christ. You may be the only likeness of Christ they will ever see. We as believers in Christ must stop deceiving ourselves by being hearers – ONLY!

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