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Monday, June 18, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #735

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional – A look at the Book #735

Psalm 119:75 Faithful is God who afflicts our nation with disciplines. Trustworthy are His judgments and righteous are His ways. Not thoughts to destroy; but thoughts of peace and not evil; giving our children can have a future hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Good Morning

Matthew 25:1-13 – The parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Now if we were to isolate this parable from the rest of the chapter we would be missing some very important truth about the desire of God to let us know about the future. While we are not to know the day, the time or the year of the LORD’s return we are to know that He can come back at any time… soon!

The basic difference that I see in the ten virgins is the ability of five to retain light, while the others have no way of preventing darkness to prevail. So some have argued; are not all ten virgins and thus by analogy believers in Christ? Well no; the unbelieving religious world is capable of having virgins too. So I believe that Jesus is referring to five who are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and those who are religious and filled with the spirit of darkness.

How does this parable impact our walk with the LORD as we look to the future? We as children of God; that is those of us who are begotten of God through death and resurrection of our LORD Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3) are waiting; with confidence in the power of the Living Word of God to one day soon, see the door shut on this dispensation of time.

When the stewardship of the grace of God ends, the marriage feast of the Lamb will begin in heaven and judgment will begin here on earth. Now the five virgins who were able to trim their wicks and have enough oil enter the marriage feast, Matthew 25:6-7. The foolish virgins go out to purchase more oil. Religion will still be alive and well here on earth. Note and interesting statement by the apostles in Acts 8:20 please read the context, Acts 8:14-22.

In the past I have always thought that Simon the sorcerer was saved yet because of his worldly view, failed to understand grace. But I believe that with the help of this parable that Simon and the foolish virgins are simply religious. Folks who have knowledge of the truth, but who do not have the truth resident in their souls by faith, they are unsaved.

Now I am not through with this, so I will continue tomorrow. Also as a side not; we will be on vacation from Thursday, through Saturday so there will not be a devotional on Thursday or Friday.

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