Psalm 19:3 – The voice of creation speaks loud and clear in every language. So how is it that so many people fail to hear this truth? Romans 1:19-20 identifies the problem. Take a moment; read it and weep if you are one of those who suppress this truth, if you are not, then rejoice for you are not ashamed and the just shall live by faith. Romans 1:16-17.
Good Morning
When a sailor reports to his first submarine he has enough knowledge about submarine duty to earn the title given to him when he graduates Submarine School. The designation (su) is attached to his rate, if he were a Third Class Quarter-Master for example; his written rate would look like this; QM3(su). The (su) designation stands for “Submarine Unqualified” The QM3 has one year from the time he reports on board his first submarine to become qualified or to change the designation from (su) to (ss) the designation for “Submarine Qualified”.
Along with what the sailor has learned from submarine school and the on the job training received on the submarine and the final testing by qualified men on the submarine the sailor will be justified to wear the coveted silver dolphins. It is hard work; most make it, but not all people who try do.
To be qualified or justified for eternity with God is just the opposite. One cannot train and earn a title to enter heaven. All persons are disqualified; the Holy Bible says that all fail for all have sinned. None do right, no one understands, they are roaming out of the way; what they do is unprofitable work that does not please God. Romans 3:10-18.
Why? Romans 3:23 says: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
God does have a plan for you and me to be justified or qualified for eternity. In truth, as the Holy Bible does not lie; He has provided the way through the Death and Resurrection of His Son Jesus. Notice Romans 3:21-22. The work of being with God in eternity is already completed;
Why? Because Jesus is risen and there; thus Jesus is the end the Law for righteousness to all who believe Romans 10:4. There is then no work, no study, no long nights trying to learn by hands on training. Jesus has completed all the necessary work for us and when we personally believe, He will give us a new designation. Saint! From “sinner” to “saint” not because of who you are, or because of your special status; but because Jesus loves you, died for you and rose again for you.
Jesus says clearly to not let your heart be troubled over this; Notice John 14:1-6 if you believe in God (and you do) believe also in Him (He is God), thus He is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to God the Father without being “justified” through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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