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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #724

by Jesse Abel
One every twenty seconds, three every minute or ninety every hour; the thought of anything reoccurring this fast is alarming even if it is legal. Yet, over the last 36 years more than this number of babies have been delivered to death rather than life. Fifty million plus potential mothers and fathers have killed their babies through abortion, yet some of these same people have gone to jail for killing their dog.

Should believers in Jesus Christ be bold about life, or should they be tucked away in some dark corner and allow them self to be treated like the mushroom? Is it popular to love Jesus or is it more popular to hate Him? You do not need much knowledge about God in the United States of America to know that the vast majority of the nation’s so called Christians are mature mushrooms and that the other minority hate God.

As a citizen… what are you; a mushroom or a hater? You may not know this by my strong words, but I love this nation, the people in it and if we were to meet… I love you too! But I am critically hurt by what I see us doing as a people.

We have wisdom, yet we use our wisdom for foolishness. I like what the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. I do not have good speaking techniques, but I do have a testimony of God. I do not know anything else among you, except that Jesus Christ was crucified for the likes of you and me. When I first started writing a few years back I did so with trembling fingers, weakness of thought and fear for the lack of experience. Thank God for His Mercy and Grace, since in my weaknesses I can now be bold.

As this time has passed and as God has allowed, I have talked about every subject under the sun. Yes I have used human wisdom and examples at times and felt the effects of this vanity. Yet, God was and is willing to demonstrate His love to all of us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our faith in God as a nation is on the verge of dying. Why? Because we have played the harlot with the Word of God and given our nation over to the wisdom of men; ungodly men!

Now I am not suggesting that if you are a believer in Jesus that you start running up and down the streets of your neighborhood and proclaim Him with boldness. This is not boldness, it is ignorance in the face of ignorance, or as some might want to say; shoveling it against the tide! It would be much more effective if we individually sought out the spiritual wisdom of the Living Word of God through prayer and discernment of national needs of the people.

The spirit of the American Revolution is still alive; but sleeping. We as a remnant of believers in Christ and in the United States of America need to wake up that spirit. Here is the simple RUB! Do we join some para-church organization, or spend money on bumper stickers, banners and yard signs? Do we march for this cause and that cause that is already saturating the land like the blood of the innocent or not so innocent?

NO! We need to STOP! We need LOOK! And we need to LISTEN… to the neighbor’s tears, the loud blare of the radio in a passing car; the mother or father who cannot control their children. The laws and disciplines of this land are down around our ankles and we are falling on our face, but not for prayer; but for failure.

Someone once said that, in a society like ours today, that programs, policies and promises are worthless since all three are hopelessly founded on unprincipled men and women who had they been there would have crucified the LORD of glory. (This is you and me not some political pirate) How do we then revive the American Revolution? Prayer! Prayer to rewrite programs, policies and promises as God will guide us. If we do not return to God, the Constitution of the United States of America will die and there will be no amnesty for the legal ignorant, but for the illegal immigrant.

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