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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #739

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:2 – This Psalm gives me great joy to read, to meditate on and to share. What sort of conversation does Creation have day and night? Only one I believe! The King is coming! O friends the King is coming again! Creation knows this truth better than we do. Psalm 96:11-13 and Isaiah 55:10-13.

Good Morning

How exciting it is for me to mediate on the thoughts above. I was going to write about some other subject this morning, but I am so filled with joy over the conversations of Creation that many verses of scripture are popping out of my mind. I wonder if that is what preachers call, “chasing a rabbit” after all a rabbit qualifies as God’s Creation!

Psalm 69:34 – Let the heavens and earth praise Him, The seas and everything that moves in them. I know I can get carried away to the extreme with this and do not want to do that; but I am so caught up in the thought. The noise of Creation; if we could only understand is all directed at praising God.

Isaiah who loved his country meditates on God’s love for Israel and calls his countrymen to consider this; God has not forgotten them and that they will not forget Him. This truth is not based on Israel’s righteousness, but founded on God’s forgiveness and redemption. He goes on to say that when this happens that the heavens will sing and that the lower parts of the earth shout in victory. The mountains will sing as will the trees of the forest. Wow! Isaiah 44:21-23.

David goes on to say in Psalm 19:3-4 that mankind has no excuse for not understanding Creation. That there is no speech or language on earth that cannot understand the language of Creation. When Creation speaks and we ignore, it is not because we did not hear, it is because we have rejected the Creator and replaced Him with idolatry. Don’t be a “tree” hugger!

I know I have been all over the place with this thought of Creation, yet I also know that we give little thought to this daily, while daily Creation gives every moment of its time to praising God. This is what Psalm 19:1-4 is saying to me. Also the world around us is saturated with the praise of creation, yet WE REMAIN DULL OF HEARING.

Obedience, disobedience; how significant are these two sides of the same coin of thought? When is the last time you heard of a flower murdering another flower, or a tree aborting the birth of another of its kind? You never have, nor will you ever… only humans are capable of disobedience to God, their Creator. ALL THE REST OF CREATION is obedient to His command. Please have a joyful day in the LORD… you will be glad you did.

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