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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Devotional - 1008 - Actions involving the Tongue

The Devotional – 1008 – Actions involving the Tongue
Not only is the tongue an evil instrument, but so can the typewriter be an instrument for evil as well. Yesterday I sought to type out the word “adversary” vise “advisory” and yet if you are listening to the roar of the lion he then will be your advice for living in evil. Resist the devil and he will flee from you, draw near to God and do not be unwise concerning the will of God for your personal life, James 4:7-10 and Ephesians 5:17. The taming of the tongue is our subject today and if you are like me, and you are; you already know that most of our conversations with people should be eliminated for in the multitude of words… sin is present, Proverbs 10:19.

Comments and Challenges:
James 3:1-12
It is interesting that resident in the heart of many people is the desire to lead, guide and direct others. I think that most who have this desire believe that they can solve life’s problems simply because they are not ignorant of life and yet it is this knowledge that gets into the mix and destroys lives. This then is fleshly knowledge, rather than that of Spiritual leadership. Luke 6:37-42

James explains that we “all” stumble in many things and that when it comes to the words of our mouth we are the most vulnerable. Yet and very interestingly James also says that if anyone does not stumble with the words of his or her mouth that they have matured as saints of God and can and do control the whole body. Now the question that comes to mind is… are you that mature? I suspect that like me there are not many words that speak of us being otherwise minded of the mouth at the moment and thus we should remain silent.  

Also James explains that blessing and cursing is shot out of the mouth like well-aimed darts. In front of godly or religious people we look and act with our words of blessing and encouragement just as one would expect. But in the presence of people who are ungodly our dart tossing mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. This is not the picture of being made in the likeness of God, but it is the likeness of the flesh and the devil. This kind of daily action… OUGHT NOT TO BE!

This taming of the tongue is a personal responsibility for everyone who claims to be saved by the grace of God. There is no magic in the Word of the Living God, but there is His Laws, Commands, Precepts, Judgments, Statutes and Testimonies that will produce in us a proper Fear of the LORD to overcome the tongue. Psalm 19:14.

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