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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Devotional - 1018 - Wandering from the Wisdom of God

The Devotional – 1018 – Wandering from the Wisdom of God
If you have opportunity to speak with those who are homeless for long periods of time, one quick understanding you come away with is that the hardness of their heart has directed their response to you that will be off the norm (what you should expect). They seem to live in a different world, one that has zero absolutes and zero moral conduct. If you could spend the time sorting through the nonsense you might find that their up-bringing was quite different and that they were at one time at peace with life and functional. What might cause this in life? Apart from national invasion, terrorist activity and natural disasters, homelessness in my definition this morning a choice; a personal choice of someone who has given up on life and resolved to be a burden to those around them.    

Comments and Challenges:
James 5:19-20
Are there wanders from the Truth? If you are a pastor of a church you have a first-hand observation of many people who have started out rejoicing in their New Birth, who have witnessed to others and pointed them to the LORD Jesus and seen salvation happen in the lives of others. Yet, and sadly as a pastor you have seen them turn away from the Truth, also because you know them as neighbors, friends and maybe even a relative you are an eye-witness to the hardening of the heart as they continue on the pathway of no Light. Psalm 119:105 has become a foreign language to them.

Someone however is ALWAYS nearby to turn that person around and back to the LORD. All scripture is truth and is important for correction in righteousness, so do not lose heart if God has placed you (to be that someone) as the one who can turn the erring one back to the LORD, we must begin and end the task in prayer. The task is not easy, it is much like stopping an automobile going down-hill and no brakes. 

A person who wanders from The TRUTH has ceased to walk by faith and has ceased to do good works, many have simply wore themselves out with well-doing and have been disappointed by another’s foolishness.

The apostle says in the last verse of this epistle that when one turns a sinner back to the LORD that he or she will save that ONE person from death, both spiritual and physical death are in view here. The suffering of a believer out of touch with God the Holy Spirit will destroy his or her faith and flesh before the time appointed, God calls this death… the sin unto death; see a related passage in 1 John 5:14-17.

So now what? Yes we all know someone who is out of fellowship with the LORD and feel that God has directed us to help that soul return to the LORD. How do I do that? The apostle Peter say for you and me to be watchful at all times in that the end of all things is near; in other words… Jesus is coming again! He is coming for each of us; for the faithful and those who are struggling with faithfulness, He is also coming for the faithless! 

Therefore we are always to be serious and watchful in PRAYER, prayer is the only provision or tool we need to gain control of an out of control soul. And above all else, have fervent LOVE for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:7-11. This is the only 7-11 that works in the church of our LORD Jesus all the rest is simply entertainment. Also note Proverbs 10:12.

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