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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The devotional - 1017 - Prayer and the Wisdom of God

The Devotional – 1017 – Prayer and the Wisdom of God
One of the quickest ways to be discouraged as you face a difficult circumstance in life is to listen to the voice of someone who means well but is really disconnected from faith. These folks are all around us, mostly they are friends and neighbors, even at times a part of the church family of brothers and sisters. So then, how do we share with others, yet cast all of our care on the LORD? One thought or two; it is not by works, but by faith… this is the message of this epistle of James, remove our self from the message and we missed the mark. In the context of James 5:13-18 we see the evidence of works in the life of believers in the early church days. Mark 6:13 and Mark 16:18, these are actions of faith of which we in today’s church do not fully understand. We could say “shame on us” okay but that does not solve the problem of folks who practice works, rather than faith in their attempts of well doing.

Comments and Challenges:
James 5:13-18
Suffering for most of us is a way of life, yet our suffering is not the same. Someone will suffer over family issues, some over economic concerns and the list is very long, I simply picked two of the more common circumstances we face. James exhorts us who suffer (not all that should do) to pray. In your suffering do you pray? Those who do not pray… should. If I asked you to raise your hand if you prayed would I see a positive response?

Take a look at Psalm 119:57-64, or you can pick out any one of the 22 sections of this Psalm and read the personal communication of the writer as he deals with suffering. Also note that when his heart is not heavy, he still has personal communication with God. He delights in the law of God, he is not ashamed of God’s word since it is the mercy of the LORD that is always his comfort; Psalm 119:73-80. Prayer, the need to communicate with our God the Creator is as important as breathing.

Should someone like to lay hands on the suffering, or soothe them with oil, okay; but if prayer is not the suffering person’s first priority; oil and hands will have little effect on the one who does not agree with God. Trespasses (sin) are a part of living life, we should not ignore this; thus repentance can be a part of the process of healing all spiritual and physical ills. The works of oil and hands are a waste of effort if faith, prayer and repentance does not lead the way to the Throne Room of God.

If you read the account of Elijah in 17 and 18 you might notice that it is the prayer of Elijah, or his communication with God that brings about God’ intended victory. During the drought, the LORD makes ever provision for Elijah while the world suffers, why should he not do the same for you and me? This then is the root of the matter; if you or I desire victory over the circumstances of life (sin) we must be willing to go to God by faith and not by the works of those or even of our self that will have no effect in time and will be “wood, hay and stubble” in eternity; 1 Corinthians 3:5-17.

Now there is a suffering for “righteousness sake” where sin is not the issue, but you know as I do… we as a nation are not there YET! However, I do believe we should be about the business of preparing ourselves for such a day.

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