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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Devotional - The Good News of Christmas

The Devotional

Comment: As we approach this Christmas all believers in Jesus Christ will have this in common, we have “faith” in God. We do not have faith in the doctrines of men, or the creeds of a religion, nor do we hold faith as an object of personal work to gratify or appease God. The object of our faith is the Christ, also known to the Jewish nation as the Messiah. The world around us does not understand and in many minds of unbelieving people we are seen as ignorant, unlearned bigots, (a blind guide). 1 Peter 4:14 NKJV If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. 

We follow the GOD/Man from Nazareth and as Nathanael stated before he personally met Jesus said, can anything good come out of Nazareth? I found it interesting looking at the word Nazareth in the concordance, Nathanael is the next word listed below the word Nazareth and before Nathanael met Jesus he could say as we did, did anything good come out of Nathanael? What about after he met Jesus? From John 1:49 these words of Nathanael read, “You are the Son of God, You are the King of Israel!” this too, when we meet Jesus by that same faith is found on our lips.

Devotional: There are many more potential Nathanael’s whose hearts are open to meeting the Savior and this Christmas is the perfect time to share the events of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to those who view you as a follower of the Nazarene. If you are saved by the grace of God through faith, then you already know the gospel. It was and is good news anchored in your soul and it will be good news to those who hear it for the first time.

You may say, well they heard this gospel message before! Why bother them again? Well so did you, but how many times did you hear it before you finally heard it for the first time? For six years I heard of the saving power of God in Christ, before I heard for the first time and believed in 1975. There are many people you know who are experiencing the “draw and tug” of God as He prepares their soul to come to Jesus.

As a young believer the only version I read was the KJV and the passage above was and still is one of my favorites. I thought “I wondered how it might have felt to these four men as they heard Jesus call them and what it might be like to go fishing for men” that is until I had the opportunity to witness the pull and draw of God in the life of those being saved through the words He used as I shared “faith in Jesus” with other men. God is the fisherman and we are the bait. So do not be a brat and wiggle off the hook, hang on the catch is worth the struggle.

We need to be immediate in our walk with the LORD, Peter and Andrew immediately left their fishing nets and followed Him, as did James and John. The world we live in today is no different than those days of Jesus and His disciples. People NEED the LORD and if you are my brother or sister in Christ, our faithfulness to God is revealed by the power of the gospel to those who have NO hope.

Yes this Christmas we must reveal the Baby in manger, but we also need to reveal the God/man of the cross and one more thing. He is risen – we must reveal the victory that Jesus has over sin and death. Weeping we may see the tomb, but rejoicing because we have seen by faith and know the tomb is empty. Like Mary Magdalene in John 20:11-18.

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