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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Devotional - The World in Solemn Stillness

The Devotional
Comment: We like sheep have gone astray, in our efforts to be perfect and righteous before God and man we have not only failed… we have missed the target. Human ability to reach the standard of perfection and righteousness does not have enough power to attain it. Going astray like a lost sheep simply means that in every attempt to go and do what is right, we end up with having to give account to someone. Surely you have noticed that even in your best effort to do right and be perfect you have seen the flaw, or someone has pointed out; “well you did a good job, but…!” What is even more dangerous is when we snub our nose at the revelation of this and refuse to look to God. Such is the case with the message of Jesus to the rich young ruler. Matthew 19:16-22.

Devotional: A person does not attain positions of authority and possess riches by living and controlling his or her estate from the seat of their pants. These folks are usually hard working and concerned for their appearance to those around them. They seek to be perfect and right and many times they spare no expense to attain this plateau of status. Yet in the darkness of their existence there is the nagging truth that there is a Light, one of pure Righteousness and Pure Perfection and they do not have it.

This event in the Ministry of Jesus is real, it was not a parable; the young ruler, concerned about the Light he observed in Jesus came to Him and asked just what should he do to inherit eternal life. It is interesting is it not? The young ruler understood that he had everything pertaining to possessions and also had a position of integrity in life. Yet he also understood that he was missing something – eternal life! It is true whether you are rich or poor, if you do not personally know the Creator then you do not have eternal life, and you know it!

We should also know that this rich man was in accordance with Jewish law and tradition perfect and righteous. In other words; humanly speaking he could not see through the darkness of his religion, even though he knew in his heart that he was not following the Light of God’s way. This brings up a lot of food for thought as many church going people are examples of the rich young man. What they have, they do not what to give up, and so they willingly keep their earthly treasures, treasures that will rot with time, while claiming to have a Light they do not possess.

This Christmas it would be better for the most of us if we would stop giving to others what they do not NEED. Instead we should be more willing to lay aside our material worth and share our “eternal worth” with those who need to see the LIGHT. Jesus spoke to a woman whose accusers wanted to stone her because she was caught in a sin, I find this charge a bit one sided don’t you? Nothing is said about the man who also committed the same sin; but the woman faced stoning if Jesus had not said. John 8:12, looking at verse 7, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”

The world in solemn stillness lay because the birth of Jesus Christ was and is the only hope for anyone, rich or poor to inherit eternity. Not just viewing and awing the virgin birth, but seeing The Christ of God and personally laying aside our temporal positions of the earth and replacing them with the riches of knowing the Christ/Messiah. He is coming again. He first came as the Servant/King in a manger and we remember and celebrate. He will return as the Conquering/King, who is revealed in all of His Glory in Revelation 19:11-21. May your Christmas Day be filled with the Gift of God’s love His Son and may we celebrate “even so come LORD Jesus. Amen and again I say Amen!

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