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Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Devotional – Faith (Part 2)

The Devotional – Faith (Part 2)

Comment: if you have ever sought to have a good lawn or garden, then you know that when there is good weather during the seasons of production it is pleasurable to maintain. But, when there is too much moisture, too much heat or too little of either element the task can become impossible. Many of the writers of the Holy Scriptures were very knowledgeable with the responsibility that God gave Adam; Genesis 2:8-25. How is it today we are so naïve to the commands God listed in these few passages of Genesis? The answer is that very few of us live by FAITH in God our Creator. James the bondservant of God and of the LORD Jesus Christ uses several figures of speech (metaphors) to describe faith; as we shall see!

Devotional: In James 1:9-11 the half-brother of Jesus writes about the poor man and the rich man. In this little metaphor he notes that the playing field in the eyes of the LORD for both are LEVEL. The poor is exalted, but in contrast the rich man is humbled. Our thoughts on this vary I am sure, but James is focused on FAITH, he is not focused on the poor man’s lack, nor is he focused on the rich man’s abundance.

In the Will of the God both men are on level ground because both have FAITH; here is another example, one that will slap us in the face if we are failing in faith. Isaiah 26:7 – The way of the JUST is UPRIGHTNESS. Why? GOD, THE MOST HIGH is UPRIGHT! That is to say that the Just shall live by godly directed faith (Rom 1:17 and Rom 3:21-26). God provides a LEVEL GROUND for the poor and the rich because He weighs the path of the JUST. God tills the soil for both the poor and the rich to be faithfully FRUITFUL. Faith then is to EXLUDE grumbling (the poor) and boasting (the rich) as these human traits are NOT faith, but a human work! Romans 3:27-31.

The journey of the poor and rich man in Positional Truth is the same; therefore, the poor glories in his or her walk of faith, and by the same method the rich humbles his or her walk of faith; and both are justified. Reward for being rich or poor is not based on human ability or position, reward is based on FAITH toward God and His Son Jesus Christ, the JUST shall live by FAITH. The sun will shine, production will be maintained, but what is left after all fades away? FAITH alone in Christ is JUSTIFICATION and this is the REWARD, Romans 4:1-4; Abraham did not find favor with God according to the flesh, nor will we.

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