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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Devotional – Funeral or Freedom!

The Devotional – Funeral or Freedom!

Comment: How many folks count the number of funerals they might go to in a lifetime? I know that I do not count these events and would conclude that most do not. Suppose while living life we might witness another kind of death, would there would still be a funeral but no people died! Say what? How does one witness a funeral but no human life is taken? What about a city, a state or for that matter an entire nation! I KNOW that some of us do not believe that this could happen to the United States of America, but as simple as it is; there are many warnings of this happening to us in the very near future. One warning is “Let’s make America great again” this sounds innocent enough and yet, if you look; this question becomes visible in our cross-hairs. Should not the slogan read “Let’s make the UNITED STATES of America great again”! We are ONE nation amid many nations on the continents of America, get the point?

Devotional: Of course we cannot challenge one political ploy without looking at the other. Socialism has always injected this thought into a people group of “STRONGER TOGETHER”. This thought knowingly leads people to a governmental control of economy, family, education, self-worth and self-defense, thus destroying national freedom, get the point?

Both political ploys leave God out of their agenda. On the one hand; our nation is ONE INDEPENDENT Flag among many in the Americas. By intentional verbiage we include all the flags of those nations north and south. In doing so we accept their socialist traditions and religions. It matters not if we are liberal or conservative, both points of view are corrupted because our Creator is pushed aside for the doctrines of demons.

I have two subjects that I will cover in this series of devotionals; one is idolatry and the other is traditional corruption, which includes immorality. Over the course of this I will write about the national condition of a country (ours) that is not about to change (it already has), not for the better as many are proclaiming, but for the worse, but I wish to look at a passage of scripture in a book written by the Prophet Jeremiah as he laments over Jerusalem destroyed by the social and political groups of his day, who brought the city to its end.

Jeremiah looks in sorrow and his soul melts over Jerusalem but he says this “This I recall to mind; therefore, I have hope. Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions do not fail. These are NEW every morning, Great is His faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, says my soul; therefore, I will hope in Him.”

For the saints of God in this United States of America there are TOUGH times ahead, if we fail to have the mercy and grace of God in our “cross hairs” every moment as we see our freedom to worship sinking in the quagmire of an idolatrous and immorally driven government we will fall victim. This is just what the powers, and principalities of Ephesians 6:10-12 is striving to do. We need in these times to rely on the Greater Power of He who is in us (1 John 4:1-6) since the powers of this world system cannot compete with God. Test the spirits, whether they are of God, many false prophets are seeking to control your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Draw near to God, resist the devil. God will draw near to you and the devil will flee, James 4:7-10.

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