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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Devotional – Faith (Part 3)

The Devotional – Faith (Part 3)

Comment: Hebrews 11:6 – But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. The words of this inspired writer are literal, thus the understanding of these words by the writer are to be taken literally. Faith is not some supernatural deposit of God in the heart of man. Faith is already at work in the life of every human so the point of the writer under the inspiration of God Himself is to direct the faith of man to the grace of God. From the dawn of history faith in God our CREATOR is the issue; notice!

Devotional: By faith Abel, offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. It is not as if Cain did not have faith, but the issue is where his faith is directed. Abel’s faith was directed at the grace of God, therefore; God is glorified, while Cain’s faith was directed toward himself, thus his attempt to be pleasing to God was self-effort. Everyone practices some form of faith, but if that faith is not in God the Creator it is then a self-effort (works of the flesh) and this faith will always fall short grace, the aspect of pleasing God.

By faith Enoch, the seventh generation from Adam (Jude 1:14) walked with God, according to literal interpretation, this please God so much that Enoch did not see death. Apparently there was a search for hm. In Hebrews 11:5 the inspired writer says; Enoch could not be found, not even his permanent residence (no tombstone). What then does it mean to you and me when we take the Holy Word of God LITERALLY?

I am glad you asked! If one chooses (and many do) to spiritualize the inspired Word of God, or use the Word of God in a figurative way; faith toward God is replaced with faith toward self, another person, object or criticism. This faith is not pleasing to God and is rejected. The faith of mankind, both gentile and Jew is revealed in the book of Hebrews as the same faith as that of Abraham, all took the promises of God literally at His Word. Hebrews 11:8-12.

A God directed faith produces in every human being a heaven directed HOPE, Hebrews 11:13-16, this truth is evidenced by all of the Patriarchs, Hebrews 11:17-22. This same historical trail of God directed faith is revealed in Moses’s family, in Moses himself and the whole nation of Israel as they passed through the Red Sea on DRY ground. This event even for you and I to believe, must be believed by FAITH since DRY ground in the middle of this SEA without God’s divine intervention would be impossible.

The Holy Word of God has and always will be understood by Faith toward GOD, Hebrew 11:30-40 provides ample evidence of many people who by FAITH overcame the desire of selfish faith and TRUSTED God to destroy fortified walls, to stay alive, to gain strength, to rule a nation, to fight the enemy, to believe the promises of God, to face death. That is my friend, to FACE every issue of life by FAITH in GOD. The LORD Jesus provides this promise of faith. John 14:1-6 – THE PROMISE, the WAY and the REWARD of FAITH.

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