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Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Devotional - Is your path to God narrow or wide?

The Devotional

Comment: Earlier when I began Psalm 119 I thought, “What an overwhelming project!” yet it is not that at all. Psalm 119 is in all ways the life blood of a soul that hungers and thirsts for mercy, righteousness and peace with God. Today if we do not have that hunger and desire to drink in the Word of God we are in spiritual trouble – James 1:21. Thus I am convinced that only those “children of God (Those who personally KNOW that they are the Redeemed of the LORD” through His death as the sacrifice of the LAMB of God and are confident of His Resurrection from the dead, as in John 3:16-21) will be saved. Those who are in religions that are not “personal” to the resurrected LORD are not redeemed and will face Him soon in judgment. Each person who is not written in the LAMB’s BOOK of LIFE will perish along with the religions of which they often are said to be devoted to.

Devotional: Psalm 119:129-136 – The testimonies of God are not an elaborate building that houses a system of “dos and don’ts”. As a testimony is not a measure of where my next step is to be planted in the systems of the world. God is a trustworthy testimony that He is the LIGHT of the world and He provides freedom on the PATH we ought to take – 1 Peter 2:4-10. 

Each day that I devote this time to the LORD I am reminded of people I know. Some of them close relatives, some friends and others associated in some way with me and my heart for them saddens. If these people (many) are not personally redeemed by the LAMB of God, then when this Resurrection Day comes and goes, their soul will not be comforted with the thoughts of being with God in eternity since those thoughts are not a once a year experience but and everyday promise or statute of God.

The entrance of the Words of God gives light (hope) for the soul, it also gives a wonderful, joyful and a pleasant path to walk, even in the midst to toil, persecution and trail. I would not want to walk the streets of this world, if my soul did not look for the satisfying power of God’s Commandments in my life. Commandments and statutes of GOD are His merciful protection from the world around us. He or she who does not know this are distraught, they are emotionally unstable and physically ill.

Those who KNOW the Name of the Living GOD are looked upon by Him with mercy, it is His CUSTOM to do so because the LOVE for and of God is in this personal relationship. There is no love or Fear for God in the religions of the world, God Himself redeems us from this religious oppression, He does so in order that we can be taught His precepts and statutes, to give light and life to those who trust Him. It is peace with Him that provides this truth. Philippians 4:2-7.

So if I say to you that my eyes weep with streams of water daily over those whom I love and know, those who are “boxed” in by religious "dos and don’ts" I would not be lying. Religion is the distraction of Satan to lead the multitudes to the Great White Throne judgment, to death and to hell, which is the Second Death. Revelation 20:11-15. If you are not abiding in Christ to keep the law of God, then YOU are a disciple of some religion designed by Satan to send you to the Second Death,  Matthew 7:13-14. See also John 8:31-32 and John 15:1-8

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