A Look at the Book #386
by Jesse Abel
Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #386
A Though for today by Papa “J”
If you compare the value of gold and silver to wisdom and understanding you will do well in this world. However, if you allow God to provide your needs you will do better. Proverbs 16:16-17 and Matthew 6:25-34
There are only a handful of institutional values that mean anything to mankind and these are: (1) Consciousness of the existence of God. (2) Desire of mankind to have a wife or husband. (3) The need for mankind to procreate, and (4) the commitment of mankind to be of One nation. All four of these implanted values were place in mankind when God created the world and placed man in the Garden of Eden. Also, these were completely functional by the beginning of Genesis 12 at the call of God to Abram (Abraham). Over the next few days we will look at this more closely to expose the sinful condition of mankind’s heart. Over the years we have done mischief to the point that these four Divine Institutions are liken to these verses of scripture found in Ecclesiastes 10:1-3. Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, and cause it to give off a foul odor, so does a little folly to one respected of wisdom and honor. A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart, at his left. Even when a fool walks along the way, he lacks wisdom. Think on these thoughts and we’ll come back tomorrow if the LORD is willing.
Psalm 38:13-14
I fully believe that it is intended by God that the circumstances of forgiven sin are used by Him to sanctify the sinner as the world contends with this. I believe that we have this record of King David in the Word of God to show man at the least, two important outcomes of PERSONAL sin. (1) Forgiveness; 2 Samuel 12:13 and (2) the results; 2 Samuel 12:1-15. I want us to know that SIN has a consequence even if it is forgiven by God who is the only One who fully forgives sin through the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ. John 1:29-34.
Note too, that this is a hard lesson to learn for most of God’s saints. My sin is forgiven so why do the people around me become isolated from me. I have become like the deaf mute since I do not hear their anger and rejection, therefore I have nothing to say, I have no defense. In their eyes I will always be guilty. For most of us this is not easy to overcome, some do and I praise the LORD, but the truth is. Sin is not easily overcome in the eyes of those who we love.
Complacency, anger, indifference, indulgence, despair and other disturbing characteristics develop in family and friends. These conditions bleed into the community and then into the country. What happens in one’s personal life can cripple a family and take down a nation. The evidence of this is not fictional but factual. Just look around in your own family and see what sin has done. Even if you are forgiven, life is seldom the same after sin. Now how do we make this a message of Hope? Hebrews 12:1-11.
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