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Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Look at the Book #402

A Look at the Book #402

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #402

A Though for today by Papa “J”

A mushroom covered in dung has a better hope to grow as God created it, then those who go to bed covered in the nightly news of the liberal media of today! James 4:1-10


On one of the subs I was on and I do not remember which one, we were submerging to a depth of 700 feet. As if you were blinking your eyes, one split second and the lights including the emergency backup lighting failed. Total darkness is like nothing you’ve ever experienced unless you have. The ship experienced a total power failure called a full reactor scram; our speed was 10 knots (16 miles per hour) with a 10 degree down angle. The diving officer ordered the planesmen to a zero bubble (no down angle), the order of all stop was given but propulsion was already crippled with the reactor scram. Trimming the ship to maintain neutral buoyancy was difficult but not impossible since all of the valves on submarines are identifiable by markings that can be felt on the control levers (sort of like Braille). At 525 feet the ship leveled off but our speed decreased slowly since we had no way of stopping our forward motion. This is why most submarine sailors carry a small flashlight with them at all times. Take a lesson from this old submarine sailor. Walk in the LIGHT of the gospel of Jesus Christ and darkness will not be a problem that overcomes you. Psalm 119:105 and it even gets better. John 8:12.

Lamentations 2

Lamentations 2:7 – Though I speak with the tongue of men and angels and have no love, I am become as a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1. This is a strong condemnation of the contemporary church of today in America. God has abandoned His sanctuary. We should also note that the altar and sanctuary of all “churches” belong to God. So, you holy men in the pulpits… what are you doing to cause God to abandon His church? It’s underlined!

Lamentations 2:8 – All of God’s ways are absolute, meaning that if He determines to do anything, it will be done. This means basically that God has a Perfect Will and that within this Will is a Love that permits you and me and the nation we live in to obey His Will. He expects for us to return that love. Matthew 6:10. If we as a nation are not pursuing this in prayer then we cannot expect to have provision, pardon, protection or purpose in life. Matthew 6:11-13

Lamentations 2:9 – The nation that has no desire to do the Will of God on earth has no ability to defend against the aggression of other nations. The guards have no gate to protect. The widows have no bars to keep the enemy from climbing through. The king and prince are governing, but they are citizens of enemy lands, even idolaters of false religions. Matthew 6:9 and Matthew 6:14-15. We do not recognize God, nor do we forgive sin, so God does not forgive us. Repent Please!

Isn’t it so very awesome that God has placed this “LORD’s prayer” even by rote memory into the hearts of most of the unbelieving peoples of the world! On the day of the LORD, each of us will give an account of what we did with this simple prayer.

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