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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Look at the Book #395

A Look at the Book #395

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #395

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Have we the people lost something of value and are we groping around in the darkness to find it? We really should take a lesson from the lady of the house. A little light goes a long way. Luke 15:8-10


As my wife was praying and reflecting on the care that God has for us, she reminded me of many blessings. Can we be missing these blessings because our hope is founded on false foundations and broken promises of life? The mindset of most of us is to worry over things that make our nation weak and vulnerable. If we took a serious look at our effort to restore these foundations and broken promises, we would see the labor has been in vain. The more we try to hold back the tidal wave of total collapse, the greater the force of debt and unemployment mount. (Now she does not know it yet, but my wife is responsible for this devotional this morning) Isn’t she awesome? A daily valentine for me!

Is there anything impossible for God? Do not say no, since it is impossible for God to lie! Therefore nothing is impossible for God to DO! Luke 1:37, you do believe in the Virgin Birth, don’t you? And you have read in 2 Kings 4:1-7, Elisha the widow and the oil. Americans! (We the People of the United States) have as a nation rejected the Power of the Almighty God who brought His Son into the world to save sinners, individually! (John 3:16) Also! God delivers nations out of the clutches of evil. But only those nations whose God is the LORD will be blessed – Psalm 33:12. If you are hoping for mankind to deliver him self from evil, your hope is like that of Matthew 6:19. Take the necessary steps to restore your hope in God and trust your resources to Him. Matthew 6:20-21.

Lamentations 1

Lamentations 1:10 – Like the fish of the sea or a sitting duck the nation under God’s discipline gives little thought of the net hanging over the remaining valuables of a dying nation. The pleasant things of life are not the glitter of stardom or the corporate advancements of technology. The pleasant things are the sanctuaries where the congregations of godly people meet to pray and to seek God’s face.

Lamentations 1:11 – Most contemporary places of worship today are not interested in His Second Advent. They comfortably eat the bread of idleness and complacency. Saying! Where is the promise of His coming? 2 Peter 3:4 therefore let us give money to restore our community and give life to our political agenda. The LORD sees this and says, my promise is not slack! 2 Peter 3:1-9 the thief does come in the night, conduct your self in holiness, not worldliness. 2 Peter 3:10-13.

Lamentations 1:12 – The LORD should be at home in our homeland, yet our rejection of His Promises and Blessings has corrupted His sanctuaries and displaced His presence. He is not welcomed here, nor does God feel at home here in this nation. So like the One who wanders, He passes by and when He does He brings sorrow of heart. Sorrow on His own people, the afflictions of rejecting Him is severe on all. It is not too late, repenting begins with His people (you and me) and the rest of the nation will follow. Read Isaiah 55:1-13 and turn to God.

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