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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Look at the Book #390

A Look at the Book #390

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #390

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Snow could be a treasure overlooked! In Job 38 we are told that God has treasuries of snow. Do you ever think of the snow banks just outside your door as treasure? In Job’s day the snow water was medicinal. Job 9:30 and Job 38:22 and read the context surrounding these verses.


We are taking a brief look at the four Divine Institutions placed in the soul of every human being at birth. We’ve seen that three of these institutions were operational from the beginning in the Garden of Eden before the fall. These are not stand alone foundations that are independent of one another. Just as God does not react or operate independent of His Son or the Holy Spirit, man should not react or operated independent of these three Divine Institutions. When man did, he fell from his perfect eternal Garden environment and a fourth Divine Institution was set in place. Nationalism! There is a tribe, a tongue and a nation for every person in the world to belong too. Take a moment or two and read Genesis 11:1-9, after the world wide flood the Divine Institutions of God were religiously strong in the hearts of people so they attempted to build a tower to reach God. God was not pleased with this human effort. Did He tear the tower down? No, but just imagine sitting on a scaffold several hundred feet off the ground and not being able to communicate with the person next to you. The language barrier was all that was needed to disburse civilization to the four corners of the planet. Now I know there are thoughts and questions running through your mind. We are not done, but just beginning. So please hang in there.

Psalm 38:23-26

If you are saved and I hope that you are, then your way is not your own. God has taken over. Say what? I said; God has taken over. He has a plan for your life or as David who is led by the Holy Spirit writes in this Psalm. “Your steps are established”. If you walk in His ordered way, then God is delighted in your travel and you are full of joy, inexpressible because you are moving in the direction of your heavenly inheritance with God. 1 Peter 1:2-12, notice verse 9.

Stumble, yes we do! But God will not ever cast us down or away from Him. He will pick us up, remove the dust and dirt from our backside with His rod and staff. Psalm 23 and cause us to stand once again for His Name’s sake. But God has not called us to be liberal minded about this. There is responsibility on our part. This responsibility is called stewardship. Stewardship of our personal relationship to God, Psalm 42:4; and stewardship of our household, Psalm 127:1-5 and Psalm 128:1-6.

Yes, I once was young and now; not so young! And like this man David I can explain to you that God favors His righteous ones. Get right with God and you will experience a personal relationship with Him that is beyond the temporal life you now live. God has called out to the world to live forever in His presence. John 11:25-26 and John 14:1-6.

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