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Friday, February 11, 2011

A Look at the Book #393

A Look at the Book #393

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #393

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Do you think that one could have a selfish faith? You would think that with all the “faiths” available, from the secular to the divine that man understands his destiny! There is only One Faith, One Lord and One baptism into that faith. Galatians 2:16


Who out there remember the stories of fatso and skinny, and cutie pie and bully. These are the birds we have or had. Bully died a little over a year ago. At times it is necessary for them to hang out in my office so I get to observe there daily actions. Every living creature has a routine! Mess that routine up and it is like the coming economic Armageddon that Dr. David Jeremiah writes about in his book on the subject. The birds normally listen to the radio when they are by themselves, but when I am in the room it is distracting so you know the drill, I shut the radio off. This causes some interesting reactions from the birds. Fatso and skinny are normally very vocal but when the radio is off they make little peeping sounds and stare at the radio. Cutie pie determines that the world is coming apart so she stands over her food dish and guards it reverently. When I turn the radio on, they will go about their routines, which are: For fatso and skinny it is cleaning out their nest, replacing the old straw with the new and taking baths. For cutie pie, which I have never seen in the water be found doing her favorite thing; swinging on her swing and looking at herself in the mirror. Life, even for the birds, has it’s ups and downs.

Lamentations 1

Verse 4: God is friendly to nations, and He deals with every nation in absolute Justice and Righteousness. How we observe God in His dealings with nations is usually by speculation and since there is nothing absolute in speculation this makes our observations wrong. If the nation is walking in evil, God's Justice prevails and if the nation is walking in good, God's Righteousness will prevail and that is the bottom line. It is because of God's friendliness (grace) that we are not consumed by His Justice or Righteousness as both these attributes are a consuming fire; Psalm 97.

Verse 5: God’s Justice never takes a moment of rest. The justice of God at times is our nearest ally and at times our worst enemy. It is only a matter of time before the palace fortress of prosperity crumbles when a nation rejects the Justice and Righteous norms and standards of God. God does not need to be politically correct. Why? He is absolutely Righteous in all His ways. In fact; He is down right intolerant to idolatry or any other form of distracting evil. Proverbs 1:7 explains that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom. Anything in front of this thought is idol worship and the fool's idolatry has no fear.

Verse 6: The churches and religious temples of the land can be identified in scripture; there are those that lack love; are persecuted, that compromise the truth, some are corrupt, others are dead, while others are faithful, then lastly but not least the lukewarm ones. The leaders of these churches know the pressure that God applies to the nations since the first wave of His correcting discipline comes through the pulpit. What makes the church faithful is the leadership response to God's waving hands of Righteousness and Justice. Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13 and 22.

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