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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Look at the Book #400

A Look at the Book #400

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #400

A Though for today by Papa “J”

The world sees a utopian solution for mankind. These are mere schemes of empty hope and murderous lies of Satan. Yes I said; Satan! John 10:7-18. Notice what Jesus has to say about this. “Let not your heart be troubled... I go to prepare a place for you… I am the way, the Truth and the Life! John 14:1-6


The slightest change in the American Way of life disturbs me. Yesterday I made mention of a cap called a “city cap” it sort of looks like a ball cap but it is far from that American tradition called the “ball cap”. The city cap has a flat bill and if you bend it, you ruin it. Small as it may seem to you, it changes the American way, I know, some of you are cursing under your breath, or maybe openly. However, this trend or this small change in a simple piece of headgear has placed the American “ball cap” in the foreground and placed the “city cap” as one of the visuals of change in America. Walking under those caps are people, young and old who are ignorant by choice or by deception to change America. In the gospel of John, which you may have read earlier in the opening thought, Jesus explains that Satan is a thief. John 10:10. You may say that Satan has never stolen from you, but take another look. What about that wayward son or daughter, or maybe a parent who is living outside the norms and standards of integrity. Now don’t get me wrong, it is not the city cap or the ball cap that makes the difference, just the indolent or insensitive attitude of a nation under the discipline of Almighty God. There is however, time to repent. Therefore, repent and be delivered from this perverse generation, Acts 2:40.

Lamentations 2

Lamentations 2:1 – What about the things we read from this book of mourning? Can you not literally feel the cloud of God’s judgment hanging over this nation as in the days of Jeremiah? The Purple Mountain is failing and the Majesty of the Almighty God in the hearts of this people is fading out like a light bulb about to burn out. The footstool that God suppresses the enemy is not being used by God and the enemy is charging out and into our nation.

Lamentations 2:2 – God has consumed our safety and does not pity our feeble cries, He will continue to throw down His wrath on this ungodly nation. He will continue to judge His people, even to the point of dismantling our freedom to worship. When the public teaching of the Word of God ceases, the church will be brought down to the ground (the under ground church will be the church of the future) the government is making progress, even today to push God out the door of the public eye.

Lamentations 2:3 – In all, God will allow this to happen. Since we do not what to acknowledge God in our life, He will draw back His Right Hand (Righteousness) and the flaming fire will devour our freedoms (Justice). These two attributes of God are powerfully active today. Either to drive this nation to its knees in repentance! Or to drive this nation into captivity and slavery. The choice to do either is resident in each American soul.

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