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Monday, February 21, 2011

A Look at the Book #399

A Look at the Book #399

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #399

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Liberty is not the liberality of a government, nor is it freedom under the “city hat” that is worn to the east or west of center on the heads of misinformed or misguided citizens. Liberty defends the Constitution and is a willing salute the challenges of Freedom. Proverbs 6:6-11


Do you know the definition of the word, indolence? The thought above is directed at the insensitivity of conditions surrounding life and liberty. About seventy percent of the nation’s insensitivity is due to ignorance. About twenty percent of us understand the conditions of our failing economies, troubled communities and our crumbling families, but we are daily desensitized by liberal interpretations of the Constitution and other failures in the checks and balances within our once solid government. The remaining ten percent utilize this indolent national condition to move us out from under the foundation of our national heritage. We are becoming a nation of peoples with no direction because our foundation is crumbling, Proverbs 24:30-34. I remember life on the submarine. The air was fresh most of the time. That is when all of the machinery to keep the air fresh was working properly. When the machinery failed, we would go to periscope depth and raise the snorkel mast. The fresh air from the outside world was not as fresh as you might think. The odor of fresh air is like supper cooking while the cook is idly taking a shower. The nation’s last meal is being prepared and we cooks are busy playing the harlot. Proverbs 9:13-18.

Lamentations 1

Lamentations 1:19 – I hope that you have a love for the Word of God. The Holy Bible is the only book in the world around us that is alive. Aw but of course! If you do not personally know Jesus Christ then you do not know this truth. (John 14:6) Jeremiah here in this passage calls for those who might provide some comfort, they either deceived him purposefully or they are dead.

Lamentations 1:20 – Can you not see a bit of yourself in this man? We are not a perfect people; take a look at your soul. Is it not troubled with the conditions around us? If it is not then face it! You have become indolent, even rebellious. Look out the window of your soul; the tongue of most peoples is like the sword of bereavement and our homes are bedridden with the stench of sin that leads to death.

Lamentations 1:21-22 – Look at those countries surrounding us. Are these peoples providing comfort, or do they laugh at our afflictions? They are laughing and saying things like; “It won’t be long now and they will be like us. Our wickedness is not done in a closet, not only do the nations around us know, which is the smaller trouble on the horizon. But God knows our rebellious heart and He will cause our heart of freedom to faint. The day is coming and you no doubt will see it.

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