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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Look at the Book #396

A Look at the Book #396

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #396

A Though for today by Papa “J”

Everything that God does is eternity based. He expects that earth will reap the benefits of this eternality Mindset. He even teaches to seek this in our communication with Him. Matthew 6:9-10


As a member of the local fire and ambulance district, I have the opportunity to see people in various degrees of danger, of injury or illness. What is interesting is the serious impact that these experiences have on the minds of individuals. Recently the ambulance I was on was called to a house for a person having dizzy spells. On arrival all seemed well, the person looked calm. When I questioned them about their reported complaint, the response was; “Am I going to die?” The person had a history of anxiety episodes and other mind related conditions. Also after some additional questions we understood that spousal stress, the lack of eating food or drinking fluids were symptoms that could be responsible for the disorder. In all, the person resisted going to the hospital, but changed their mind rather quickly. But refused a needed vital signs check and would not lay down on the stretcher. They also refused to let us notify the spouse. So why do I tell you this? There is always more going on in the mind of the person next to you, more than you know. Be careful how you treat them! Philippians 2:1-4 is something we need to live, to know this and not do this; is insufficient.

Lamentations 1

Lamentations 1:13 – Maybe you have not noticed in scripture, but God is as interested in the death of a nation as He is in the death of His saints. He also calls on His saints to proclaim His Plan and purpose for life. If a nation as a whole does not know the Plan of God, the people of the nation cannot know the Purpose for living. Jeremiah is saying to his readers; “I am on fire with emotion to tell you of the blight that this famine of purpose for living has cause in the nation.

Lamentations 1:14 – The difficult days are ahead of us, the yoke of carrying the transgressions of the land is a heavy wreath. The stench from the smoke of burning aborted babies, the odor of infectious diseases, the smell of war, of famine, suicide and deserting heads of households has reached the nostrils of our Creator. All will be judged! All will be lost… unless we repent. How many ways is there to tell the story of national collapse?

Lamentations 1:15 – Are we so blind that we cannot see just a few simple things. The military for example is a mighty power in this nation, but it is the soul of our soldiers, sailors and marines that has taken a direct hit recently. The noise from the public front sounds like a big joke, but a deflated soul has no direction. But most of all it has no fight. We have a duty and a responsibility to our military and this verse of scripture explains just what that duty is. If you are not doing what the verse says, then you are a big part of the problem. Jeremiah 35:15

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