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Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (28)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: “Believed in Him!” This is a statement that is found numerous times in the New Testament and in all references the conversation of these moments of historical truth reveal that The Christ/Messiah of God is the One named Jesus. The Name Jesus means ‘Savior’ just as the context of the name Joshua or Jehovah in the Old Testament. As we tour the gospel of John; I wonder, if like myself, you have noticed the number of times that the Holy Spirit has referred to the many of people who believed in Him. Through John 10, there are nine references and ending in chapter 12 we have three remaining. Take a moment and let John 12:42 sink into your soul. Chapters (13 – 19) in John, reveal the last week of our Savior’s Human life when all of humanity turned their back to Him and walked away while He was crucified for the sin of all of mankind. Praise God for chapters (20 and 21). The ministry of Jesus was not a failure as some might think. The tomb is EMPTY and Jesus is ALIVE. If you have believed in Him, you KNOW this Truth.

Devotional: I have expended over two hundred words, thinking and meditating on the three remaining verses of John chapter 10. Verses 40-42 focused my attention on the number of people who came to faith in Christ while He ministered on earth. We do not know the number, we only know that MANY did; and if we did know, the number might be an embarrassment to the New Testament churches of today.

It is shamefully “often” that we overlook these small evidences of Truth and seek to move more quickly to the meatier sections of scripture, and as a result; we miss things of vital importance, such as; “John the (Baptizer) performed no sign, but the things that John spoke about this Man were true.” The Church of Jesus Christ today is performance of signs and wonders focused, and many do not speak what is true.

Like the church at Laodicea, believers are lukewarm about the gospel of grace through personal faith these days. Notice Revelation 3:20 if you will, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone (personal faith) hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him (or her) and dine with him (or her), and he (or she) with Me.”

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