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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (21)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: How good is good? Ever go to a store for something and find that there are several strengths of a fabric, or some other item? And then you notice; Good, Better and Best buy. An urge to switch the signs might cross one’s mind, but if you came to get a good one, the best won’t matter, will it? Or, Will It? When we seek God, does the thought cross our mind of good, better or best? I would hope not, but all too often people are willing to accept, or expect far less of, or from God, than what is revealed in His Word and given to us freely, by inheritance. God’s children do not understand what they have in Christ and sadly many miss the joy and peace of being a child of our God who is alive with blessing and love. All that we are in Christ comes to us through our ‘trust’ in the Word of Truth. Having believed God, in Christ we were ‘sealed’ with the Holy Spirit of ‘promise’. Take a moment and read Ephesians 1:3-14.

Devotional: Truth, God’s Word is Truth. If I say to you that I am telling you the truth; that truth, because of the world we live in can be ‘good truth’, ‘better truth’, or the ‘best truth’! Since my nature is given to LIES now and then, it cannot be “Absolute Truth” which belongs to God alone. My truth will fall short of the high mark of God’s Character revealed through His Word. One attribute of God is that it is impossible for God to lie. See Numbers 23:19 and Titus 1:2.

Now I believe we are ready for John 8:31-36 – Connect verse 30 to 31; “As He spoke these words many believed on Him. Then Jesus said to those who believed on Him. “If you abide in my word, you are my disciple indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Do you get the sense of this statement of Jesus? Is there a difference between a believer and a disciple? I believe there is! All believers go to be with Christ in the coming eternal kingdom, but not all believers are ‘disciples’.

A disciple is one who does not settle with just believing alone, but one who involves himself or herself in study of the truth; that is the depths of God’s love in what God has already accomplished through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son Jesus the Messiah/Christ. God has rescued us out of the slave market of sin and placed us in the kingdom of His Beloved Son. Yet some of us seem to be walking around as though ‘chained’ to a heavy burden.

If you took the time to read Ephesian 1:3-14 then you know what we have in Christ, if you did not read this section, it could be that you are still bound to some of your ‘selfish’ sinful flesh. The disciple is the believer who takes God serious, who studies to show themselves approved of God. While the believer is one who settles for the good truth of being saved. While the disciple seeks the better and best of what God provides, he or she comes to joy and peace with God through best that God has to offer.

Jesus answered them. “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, is the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

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