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Friday, May 5, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (24)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: Teaching is difficult, I may understand the subject fully, but the ability to express words that edify the student to comprehend is another matter. In addition to speaking the right words to edify is the awareness of the student, the willingness to hear and the desire to comprehend. When we look at the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is our teacher, He always has the right Words, but notice what the apostle Paul says about the communication between the Holy Spirit and the natural minded person who lacks maturity. 1 Corinthians 2:9 – “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Natural minded people are deaf to the teaching of God the Holy Spirit, and they are blind to the words of the Holy Bible, but those who by personal faith in God are maturing in God’s love, these are seeing, hearing and comprehending Spiritual Wisdom.

Devotional: We can be surrounded by Truth from God, just as the disciples were as they approached the blind man in John 9:1-12. The question of the disciples; for Jesus to explain why the man was blind, seems odd, but not to these men who grew up under a religious system that suggests that all human defects are the result of sin. Even in our day, we have religions that teach or preach the same results by regarding these issues as the result of some sinful behavior within the family.

God is Glorious; His Glory is revealed by His Word and through His children; that is, if we care to proclaim it. Even if we should not, His Glory is revealed apart from you and me in every second of every day. Psalm 19 reveals that the heavens declare the glory of God and the natural earth (firmament) shows His handiwork. We who understand this are left with ‘no excuse’ and we are self-condemning if we do not acknowledge God’s moment by moment revelation that God alone is worthy of praise.

Please take the few moments today to read John 9:1-12 and Psalm 19:1-14. Jesus is the glory of God.

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