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Monday, May 15, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (30)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: I have purposely refrained from the normal path we take through the gospel of John; which are the seven miracles that are normally preached. By the way there are more things that the Christ/Messiah did which are recorded, but are overlooked. For example; Lazarus who was already dead four days and brought again to life is no small thing. The rebirth of brain cells, blood cells, flesh cells and others is a major overhaul for Lazarus. Yet, while this is the subject witnessed by His disciples, by Mary, Martha and the many other Jewish people who came to comfort the two women, these folks were ‘eye-witnesses’ of Jesus who is the Resurrection and the Life, DESTROY death by restoring Lazarus to life again. Death is the last enemy of mankind. Mankind hates death, but be comforted; God also hates death and it is the very reason that God the Father sent His Son to die in your place; John 3:16. Notice what God reveals through the Prophet Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 18:19-32.

Devotional: Death is one subject that most people avoid, or ignore and as such most people are knowingly ignorant to death. Yet death does not go away and can haunt human life at any moment, this makes death an enemy, the final enemy of physical life for each of us to face. Physical death by itself cannot be avoided by anyone, but there is another death, a second death and it is one that can be avoided.

Jesus says to Martha in John 11:23; “your brother shall rise again” Jesus was not talking about the raising of Lazarus from the tomb which begins in John 11:38, He is talking about another resurrection, one that we all need, one that is being offered to Martha who at this moment in time is not trusting in Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection and the Life. Take note of John 11:25-26 in these verses Jesus plainly says, “I AM the resurrection and the Life, He who believes in Me, though he may die, he SHALL live.” And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die, (and to Martha, the woman, He says) “Do you believe this?” Jesus saves all men, women and children who by personal faith, trust in Him.

Martha’s immediate reply is; “Yes LORD, I believe that You are The Christ/Messiah, the Son of God who has come into the world.” Jesus Christ is not only the Savior from death, He is also the TEACHER of Eternal Life to all who believe in Him by Personal Faith. Jesus is the only Friend and to ALL who are facing death, the last enemy of man is death and Jesus has conquered death; there is victory over death in Jesus Christ the Son of God. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58.

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