A Daily Devotional – Psalm 119:121-128 – Personal Meditation
Comment: Right is wrong and wrong is right!
Now I would like to take one verse from Ecclesiastes; to nail this thought down.
Ecclesiastes 7:29 – “Truly, this only I have
found: That God MADE man UPRIGHT, but they have sought out many schemes.” There
is not one, “no not one” but all have fallen short of living justly and
righteously. Now, wait a minute you say; “What about Noah, Daniel and Job, God
had some very good things to say about their righteousness, so why cannot I not
strive for the same report? I suppose that is an admirable pursuit and we
should do justly and righteously, but should we not look to Ezekiel’s message
in Ezekiel 14:14 in full context? See Ezekiel 14:12-23. Persistent
unfaithfulness in time, will be dealt with by God, in time.
Devotional: Ezekiel
on conjunction with Psalm 119:121-128 this morning, just what is the psalmists
subject; is it salvation by grace through faith in Christ? Or is it salvation
from the oppression and aggression we see in life? Everyone who lives justly
and righteously will be rewarded in time, yet their sons and daughters who know
what is right and do wrong, they will not escape the oppression of the times
they live in since these folks are involved with making wrong – right; and
right – wrong; their righteousness is faulty.
So, the psalmist is clear, Our God (the only God) is perfect
righteousness and justice, He is the sure reward for all who put their trust in
Him. Here in verse 122 he confirms with God that he is His servant, he does
justly and righteously and His eyes search to the point of failing for God’s
salvation (deliverance) in times of oppression. God deals with His children in
mercy, not in magic! Notice that the psalmist is taught by God to seek His
Statutes to give understanding to God’s wisdom in time; this is an ongoing,
daily process.
This search is not to keep the child of God preoccupied
while all sorts of problems surround him, but rather to give understanding,
that he may know the testimonies of the LORD which do deliver. When understood,
he the psalmist understands that it is time for God to do something that will
be victory for those who trust and wait on the LORD. It’s not as if the
oppressors are unfamiliar with the law of God, they are not, but they willingly
choose to disobey the law and God.
Again, we must be reminded that is not the
Commandments of God that these oppressors are breaking, it is the disrespect
for the law of God over Creation. The psalmist says “I love your commandments”
for him the Commandments of God are more precious than gold and silver, the
oppressor regards gold and silver more precious than the Commandments of God.
The psalmist seeks to make his life right before God. While the oppressor makes
choices that are sinfully wrong. Therefore, he or she willingly rejects God’s
law and disobeys His Commandments.
If we reject the law of Creation. Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning God created the heavens and
the earth. We willingly disobey the Commandments of God. All of this has to
do with our ‘time’ on earth. Are you and I a good servant of God in time?
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