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Monday, February 6, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Psalm 119:25-32 – Personal Meditation (4)

A Daily Devotional – Psalm 119:25-32 – Personal Meditation

Comment: Emotions, moods, fatigue and other physical conditions can be a cause of depression. Anxiety in the heart causes one to focus on death, rather than life. The psalmist in these verses that we will look at this morning is having one of those days. We have days like this too, so let us see what he does as he seeks revival for his soul, which at the time of his writing is clinging to the dust, that is; he is “laid low”! 
Devotional: Remember, all the Psalms are hymns and meditations of godly men who recall events in their personal life. Events of physical, spiritual and mental expressions and encounters with God and the people around them. Notice how the writer in our section this morning (verse 26) says; “I considered or declared my ways before you LORD and You answered me”. 

If we look to our self to rise from the dust of depression our ways will travel the ways of drugs, alcohol and idolatry; these are sinful human remedies that fail. The psalmist looks to God who is His only help. Realizing that God hears him and will help him, he says; “Teach me Your Statutes”. Why would he ask God to teach him, His statutes? Why not just pray for victory over his circumstances?

Psalm 19:8 clearly reveals that the statutes of the LORD rejoice the heart. There is no better way to rise up from depression than to allow God to direct to understand His precepts, to meditate on God and His wonderful works. The wonderful works of God are too numerous to count, but we could start with Psalm 19, then by the time we reach verse 12 of this powerful Psalm we will be ready to reconcile our depress state of mind.

What might be some of the troubling things in our life that would be a cause for depression? Our soul tends to melt when we are not strengthened daily in the Word of Our Living God. Also we are bombarded with the lying tongue, either from other people or our own tongue; see James 3:1-12. During conflicts with the tongue we must allow the grace of God to deliver.

We who are saved have chosen the “Way of Truth” if we fail (and we do at times) we must recall that God’s judgments are our only hope of restoration and as His child we must cling to His testimonies, no matter the cost or result. God will not allow you to be put to shame, our earthy father would seek to save us in times of trouble and shame. Our Father and our God will do far greater.

When we seek and travel the course of God’s Commandments for living, rather than our own selfish drive, God will lift our heart out of depression. The enlarged heart is not ‘closed’ it is ‘open’ and ready to face troubles; see 1 Kings 4:29; Isaiah 60:5 and 2 Corinthians 6:11-13. So with all this said; do not be closed hearted, but allow God to open the door of your heart through His Word and reach out and touch the world around you with the “JOY” of the LORD.

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