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Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (9)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: Have you noticed that when you are walking in in the Holy Spirit that there is peace and joy in your countenance? Old Testament saints as far as we know could live in the Righteousness of God and enjoy peace and joy as well as we do today. Notice Proverbs 12:28 for example! This is just one verse related to the righteousness that God expects from all His children. Proverbs is laced together like a pair of comfortable boots with walking in the Righteousness that God provides through His Word. Over forty times in Proverbs the call to a walk in righteousness occurs. So, I believe that the children of God have always had the opportunity, in the mist of temptation by the devil to live in the joy and peace of God through His Living Word, see Ephesians 6:10:18, especially verses 15-17.

Devotional: Many are the wonderful things that Jesus did while on the earth, the apostle John records several in his gospel. In chapter six the LORD fed over five thousand people with five barley loaves of bread and two small fish. When the disciples gathered up the left-overs there was enough food to fill twelve baskets. Have you ever asked yourself; “where did the baskets come from?” Men did not carry baskets, so there had to be women there as well as children. Women did not carry a purse in those days, they carried baskets. It is thought that, over twelve thousand people ate lunch that day, including children.

Also, within that twenty-four period, Jesus instructed His disciples depart from Him in a small boat while He departed to the mountains to be alone. The large crowd wanted to seize Him and force Him to be their king, (Matthew 14) so when the sun went down the disciples left for Capernaum without Him. Jesus again proved His Deity as the Son of God by walking on the surface of the sea of Galilee to rejoin His disciples. Now all of these things that Jesus did was not done without the knowledge of the people who were following Him, see John 6:25.

Yet, when Jesus began directing the crowd to the Bread from Heaven and how this bread was to be received, the crowd began to disburse. Why? Because they failed to have the joy and peace that was available to them through the Living Word. If we willing reject the Living Word, what will the Holy Spirit use in those of us today who are God’s children by faith in Christ? Will we not turn away as did the Jews on this day after His demonstration of Power and Authority over Creation. Of course you know the answer, yes we would turn away as well. If we do not study the Word as most of the Jews did not study, we will turn away too.

Do not be ignorant of the manna which came from God to you, but be as Peter and the disciples that day and be willing to follow Jesus the Living Word. “LORD to whom shall we go… “YOU have the Words of Eternal Life.”

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