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Friday, April 14, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (10)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: When there is a work to be done and when one’s mind is set to complete that work, there will be opposition, but these oppositions will not prevent the final words to be spoken. “IT IS FINISHED” Thus, it always crosses my mind; “why do we call this Friday ‘Good’?” I believe the words are religious idolatry on one hand, but I also believe that ‘Good Friday’ is Good. For without it being good for all who fall short of God’s glory, and that you be you and me. There would be no deliverance for sin, and without the crucifixion there would be no ‘resurrection’ and without the resurrection, there would be no eternal life for us sinful human beings. 

Devotional: So while we contend with mixed emotions over the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God, who is the Messiah who was cut down for our transgressions committed against God, His Father, let us consider the return of the Christ/Messiah; the KING.

“The King is coming; do you not see it? The KING is coming! I just heard the trumpet sounding and now His face I see. Oh! the King is coming, yes; the KING is coming and He is coming for you and me..

The market places are empty, there is no more traffic in the streets; Hey! All of the builder’s tools are silent and no one is harvesting wheat. The busy house wives cease their labors, in the courtroom, there is no debate. Work on earth has been suspended, as the KING comes through the gate.

Happy faces line the hallways, those whose lives have been redeemed. Broken homes that He has mended and those from prison He has freed. Little children and the aged, hand in hand stand all aglow, those who were crippled, broken or ruined are now clad in garments white as snow.

I can hear the chariots rumble, I can see the marching throng. The flurry of God’s trumpets, spell the END of sin and wrong. Regal robes are now unfolding, heavens grandstands all in place. Heaven’s choir is now assembled, as the KING comes through the gate. 

This is the amazing grace of God, it is also a piece from our Cantada tomorrow evening. Yes it is FINISHED AND IT IS GOOD, Oh the KING is COMING again and He is coming for you and for me. Amen!

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