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Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation (18)

A Daily Devotional – Personal Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: I reckon that some; even most of us are waiting for this upcoming section of John 7:53 through 8:11 where we have the record of a woman caught in adultery. I believe we all like this event because we are all sinners, we may not be adulterers, but we do identify with those who brought the woman to Jesus. They all came with stones, to stone her to death, but they all dropped their stones and left because they realized; by the Words that Jesus spoke, that they too were sinners. 

If I were the pastor of a New Testament church and thoroughly understood such things as I am about to write, I would be like the many who regard this text as added, since this section does not appear in any manuscripts before the sixth century. Dr. Tom Constable, whom I am referencing and consider as one whom understands these things refers to this section as added by a scribe to the gospel.

Devotional: Well what can we say about this? Dr. Tom Constable refers this section of the Bible, to events that may have happened but were not recorded. In this case, he refers to John 21:25 – “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one. I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen!”

The question now arises, how does an event such as John 7:53 through 8:11 appear some 4 or 5 hundred years later? It is very possible that the event did take place and that the story was passed down through the Christendom. Some well-meaning scribe decided to add the event to show that the Jewish leaders were also as sinful as the crowd as recorded earlier in chapter 7.

So, another question develops! Are the words of John 7:53 through 8:11 inspired by the Holy Spirit of God? My answer is simple! If you read this section of scripture (which it is today) and you are inspired to turn from SIN and come to personal faith in the Savior, Jesus the Lamb of God, who died for your sin and rose again for your redemption, then it is God the Holy Spirit who directed your soul to this passage and approved it for your salvation. Amen!

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