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Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Daily Devotional – Psalms – Praise and Worship (3)

A Daily Devotional – Psalms – Praise and Worship (3)

Comment: Safety, I know of no one who seeks to live outside of the envelope of safety, even a person intent on doing evil will provide for him or her-self a curtain of protection. So on this common level all humans like the idea of being safe. Yet for the child of God there is an added dimension, one that is not readily seen with the physical eye. The child of God often calls out to God to be protected from the spiritual forces that drive humans beyond the safety of normal day life. In this we see King David the author of many Psalms, crying and singing out to the LORD for SAFETY to protect him from the human enemy and also from the spiritual forces of darkness.

Devotional: Psalm 4 is such a Psalm, David is seeking safety, asking God to protect his FAITH; He says in the first verse. “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness.” Seeking to be righteous should be a priority for all of us, but we ought to be careful. Many saints who fail to study the Word of God seek ‘self-righteous’ solutions to appease the flesh. King David clearly understands that it is God’s Righteousness at work in him that will relieve him of all of the emotional distress of life. He says in the last sentence of verse 1. Have mercy (literally – be gracious to me) and hear my prayer. David was a serious student of the Word of God.

In verse two and three he describes the advances of human evil that seeks to wreck his service to God. Persecution always seeks to work ruin in the life of God’s children. David points out that the unbelieving does this by exposing the children of God to things that are worthless (idolatry) and falsehood (immorality). Evil communication is all around the child of God, we must refrain from listening to it. God hears when we call and often makes a bad situation wonderful – See Romans 8:18-30.

Verse four and five “Be angry” (Literally – Tremble or be agitated) and do not sin. (This is a major concern for all of God’s children) Anger is at the doorstep of every encounter with people. God knows our frame (make-up), that we are dust, be glad and rejoice at this and see Psalm 103:13-14. In the moments of trembling and agitation offer sacrifices of God’s righteousness. This is not some magical trick, it takes prayer and meditation and a still heart. Instead of lashing out, “Trust that the LORD will work on your behalf.

Verses six through eight. When God lifts the darkness, He will reveal His Countenance (Righteousness), He will put gladness in our heart and instead of strife, there will be an abundance of blessing and peace. Peace while awake and peace while asleep. It is God alone, by faith alone in Him that allows us dwell in safety.

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