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Monday, October 24, 2016

A Daily Devotional – Pure Milk – The Eternal Word

A Daily Devotional – Pure Milk – The Eternal Word (3)

Comment: Ever have that longing to have a fresh glass of pure milk. Like many of us, I often have a specific time of day to enjoy such a time. Apart from the satisfaction of meeting our physical need by nourishment, milk also has a very pleasant taste to our palate. The Word of God meets and exceeds the temporal satisfaction of a daily glass of milk so let’s observe a few tidbits of grace from Peter’s first epistle in chapters one and two.

Devotional: Our soul belongs to God and when we were saved our SOUL was purified because we obeyed the TRUTH through the conviction of the Holy spirit. For the first time, we met the love of God, ‘soul to Spirit’ and our worship of God who is Spirit began (John 4:24) and our soul rejoiced. We, having been ‘born again’ not of corruptible seed (perishable) but incorruptible (imperishable) through the Word of God which lives and abides forever.

The analogy that Peter uses is clear, grass, flowers and shrubs grow from seed that perishes in time, but the Word preached to us regarding salvation, that word that was implanted in our soul is not perishable (James 1:21), it has the Power to save and deliver our soul through time and into eternity. This is God’s Will for every soul. It is the Word preached to all of us.

Therefore, laying aside the deeds of our past fleshly activities; we must, as newborn babes, have a specific time (DAILY) to desire the ‘pure milk of the Word’ so that implanted seed may continue to thrive and grow, to be sanctified thereby. If we have tasted that the LORD is gracious, and He is, then why would we want to return to the rudimentary activities of the flesh? Yet many do because they fail to feed daily on the Word of God. Today while it is today, be watchful of how you react to the world around you, you cannot be watchful if you are not feeding on the pure milk of the Word.

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